CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Command Line Parameters
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    The Form Editor application is not run by simply clicking on the executable, but instead requires the name of a qiq file to load when running, passed to it through the command line.

    The command line is of the form:
    QFrmEdit.exe "qiq.qiq" "qlt1.qlt" "qlt2.qlt" "qlt3.qlt"

    Where qiq.qiq is the qiq file which specifies the method of editing and the *.qlt files after this are the QLT's to be edited by each group within the qiq file. In this example qiq.qiq would be loaded and the first group to appear would be used to edit qlt1.qlt, the second qlt2.qlt and the third qlt3.qlt.

    Alternatively you can simply specify the qiq file like this:
    QFrmEdit.exe "qiq.qiq"

    If this is done, the Form Editor uses the default QLT path specified within the qiq file to determine which QLT is to be edited.