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Comparison operators are used to match the value you specify with fields in the export file. Any lines which do not pass the comparison are filtered out. Note that all text string comparators are
case insensitive which means capitals and lower case letters are considered equal.
The options available from the Comparison list are:
- Is Equal To: Only matches lines where the field is exactly the same as the specified value (ignoring case), which means that they must also be the same length.
- Is Like: This is a more powerful operator which allows wildcards and character sets. The question mark ( ? ) matches any single character; the asterisk ( * ) matches any set of characters; and the hash ( # ) matches any single digit. For example, a search value of "Door*Gap" will match the field "DoorGap", "DoorWidthGap", and "DoorHeightGap" etc. For details, see the documentation on the Like operator here
- Contains: Matches lines where the specified value appears anywhere within the field. This will also match lines where the two values are equal.
- Starts With: Similar to "Contains" except the specified value must appear at the beginning of the field
- Ends With: Same as "Starts With" except the specified value must appear at the end of the field. Note that with "Ends With", "Starts With" and "Contains", a blank value (empty string) will match any field.
- Is Less Than: This is a numerical operator, which means that the specified value and each field is converted to a number before being compared. If a value can't be evaluated as a number (i.e. it contains text) it becomes a zero. When converting to a number, digits are read from the start of a string until it finds a letter, except for quote marks and spaces. So the string """12.5mm""" becomes the number 12.5, but "8 - 5" becomes 8 (not 3!). This means you can still compare lengths, areas, prices or other measurements, but you have to make assumptions about what the units were.
- Is More Than: Same as the "Is Less Than" operator, but only matches lines where the numerical value is of the field is more than the specified value.
The remaining available comparison operators are negatives of the ones listed here. For example, "Doesn't Contain" is the opposite of "Contains", and "Is At Least" is the opposite of "Is Less Than". Any line which matches one comparison will not be matched by its negative, and vice versa.