In This Topic
Structures and Statements
has several structures available that let you create more advanced formulae that use loops or selections. Both of these structure types use statement lists (more commonly found in loops), which are collections of statements separated by colons or semicolons (' : ' or ' ; '). The result of a formula that contains a statement list is the value returned by the last statement in the list. Note that a statement list could be just a single statement. A list may be enclosed in braces { } for ease of reading.
In any of the following, words enclosed in square brackets '[ ]' indicates that section is optional.
The LET assignment statement allows you to store a value into a variable name. After you have set the value of a variable with the LET operator, you can use the variable name in formulae. When a formula is evaluated, the name is automatically replaced by the value it represents.
You can use ':=' instead of '=' between the variable name and value. If you use the ':=' operator, then the word 'LET' is optional. The word let is required when using the '=' operator as otherwise it would be interpreted as a comparison for equality. ( := is a colon and an equals sign).
LET var_name = value
[LET] var_name := value