CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Other Sections
    In This Topic
    These prefixes are used as references to other sections in the same cabinet. You can refer to a section based on its relative location to the current section (e.g. InFront), its position in the section hierarchy ( Container), or its name.

    For example to get the height of the section next to the current one you could use "ToLeft.OverallHeight".

    Prefix Description
    These prefixes refer to the section in the appropriate direction. Note that if you specify the current section as "To the right of" another section for example, then that other section would be to the left of the current one. You would therefore use the ToLeft prefix to access the properties of that section.
    Container Refers to the container of the current section.
    OtherSection For corner cabinets, refers to the corresponding section with the same name in the other half of the cabinet (i.e. Main or Extn).
    Xyz_Section This will reference a section called 'xyz'. With this method, you can look at the properties of any section in a cabinet, e.g. carc_back_Section.
    Section["xyz"] Also lets you refer to a section by name. The difference is that "xyz" can be a formula that evaluates to the name of a section, e.g. Section["carc_" & "back"]
    Cabinet Index
    VSection Index
    HSection Index
    Component Index

    Any component in any cabinet of the drawing can be uniquely identified using the four indexes:

    id The cabinet sequence number in the drawing (1,2,3... look at the tool tip)
    idv The VSection sequence number (0=main or 1=extn) within this cabinet
    idh The HSection sequence number within this VSection (1,2,3,...) in the same order as the HSections list
    idc The component sequence number within this HSection (1,2,3,...) in the same order as the Components list
    The component & section name are not enough to make things unique - you need the VSection as well (main,extn)

    The four indexes above are consistent with the values exported in the tab file for reporting (MSEQ VSEQ HSEQ CSEQ - see the schema.ini).

    In addition there is a variable idfull available at component level which produces a unique 8 digit number constructed as

    That is, if id=3, idv=1, idh=22 and idc=4, then
         idfull = 00312204

    This can be safely used for creating an 8 character dxf filename uniquely for machining.

    In the example above, the tab data for reporting on this component would also have MSEQ=3 VSEQ=1 HSEQ=22 and CSEQ=4