CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Materials and 6th Face Machining
    In This Topic

    Changes with CabMaster Version 11 saw the inclusion of the 6th Face machining, and this will change how the information is handed to Panel Estimator.


    Step 1 - Set Optimise flag

    In CabMaster, you will need to make sure any relevant materials that will be processed by Panel Estimator have the 'Optimise' check box enabled in the Materials Manager as seen below.

    Typically this would be the Panel and Door materials.

    For more on Material Manager and Options, see the topic in CM-Cabinets Library User Guide .

    Click to view Drawing Properties and how to locate the Materials Manager

    Click to view Drawing Properties and how to locate the Materials Manager


    Step 2 - IsOptimised

    In Panel Estimator you will need to turn on 'Only select if component "IsOptimised"', as shown.

    This is located from the File menu > Import Setup, as shown.


    Bulk changes to Materials can be done using the Table Editor (discussed here) or Excel (see CabMaster Help topic).

    With both methods you will need to locate the relevant table...

    1. In CabMaster, open the File Options [F10] dialog and on the File Locations page copy the Lookup Tables location.

      File Options

    2. Open File/Windows Explorer (or My Computer) and paste the folder location into the address bar.
    3. The table required is typically the Materials.qlt (your CM-Default table) in the main Table folder.

      Paste into File Explorer to locate file


    Using the Table Editor

    • Open the material table you wish to edit by double clicking on the file.
    • Change the 'Optimise' column to Yes on each relevant material. (You can copy and paste).

      Table Example

    • Save and close the table by clicking on the X in the title bar.
    • In CabMaster, Refresh - Default Material Data in both the Catalog and Drawing Properties.

      This button can be located on the Materials-Advanced > Managers page

    Machining Premium Customers using Panel Estimator

    CabMaster by default, always outputs to Panel Estimator with Saw because design packages cannot switch between output methods with 'Saw' and 'Flatbed', so the Optimise works.

    However, with Machining Premium you will need to change the appropriate parts to "Saw & Flatbed" on the Mach. General > Const page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties. This will ensure the parts are able to be optimised with Panel Estimator but also able to be exported to a Flatbed CNC.

    Mach. General > Const page