CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Advanced Search
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    AdvsearchThe advanced search tool in TabExplorer is only available in Developer's Edition. It allows you to set up complicated search patterns and apply modifications to items matching the search criteria. It works by using a list of "filters" which the values in the tab file must satisfy in order to work correctly. Under most circumstances the Standard Mode search will be sufficient.

    Creating a filter

    There is 3 different categories of filters which can be selected from the first dropdown list. These are:

    Using multiple filters

    To start with, only 1 filter is in the script (shown in the list under the script heading). To add more filters you simply click the add new filter button (AdvSearch NewFilter), and use the buttons shown next to script list to move items up and down and remove existing filters.

    In the picture in the top-right is a search with 6 filters defined. The first ("Begin") is the start of a script branch which ends at the fifth ("End"), and contains a single "OR" on the third line meaning it has 2 branches. This script shown will, when Find matches is pressed, find all lines who's formula starts with "=13+" or have an attribute name of "A_Special_Name", change their descriptions to "Formula starting =13+" and then return the search results with the changes carried over into the tab explorer (But not to the tab file until saved).