Automation Server Scripting
In This Topic
When a new script line is created in the Automation Server, the dropdown lets you specify the step "type". The types currently available are listed below with an explanation of each. Where they correspond to menu options in normal , the correspondence is given as a menu selection. For example File|Report means select Report from the File menu.
Note that the steps are saved in a string as a .QAS file, and these .QAS files normally live in your Report folder. The steps in a .QAS files are separated by ; but can also be separated by a newline if you prefer. This way, it is easy to create repetitive .QAS files in a text editor such as Notepad.
- Report:
File > Report sends #copies requested of selected report to its default printer. Specify a partial filename and it will be extended defaulting to a .rpt in the Report folder.
- Plan:
File > Print selected object to the clipboard. The selected object is not deleted, but the previous clipboard contents are replaced.
- 3D:
File > Print sends #copies requested of specified page displayed in 3D to the system default printer.
- SetPrinter:
Note that the printer names must be consistent between the client and the server. Run as a client on the server machine when setting up your QAS files if in doubt. If you try to select an unknown printer, it will try to match your name with something similar, and if it cannot then this step will be ignored and will issue an error message in the log.
- Execute:
Executes the specified file (ignores repeat count).
Same effect as double clicking on the file in Explorer. Can be used to execute an MDB with an autoexec macro for example. Specify a partial filepath and it will be extended defaulting to the Program folder.
- ExportData:
Exports the ODBC data file for the current job.
If a file is specified, it treats as a report and uses it to determine required picture data. This is the same as what happens just prior to a Crystal Report being run from File|Report. It is also the same as the middleware action command ExportData(reportfile)
- ExportDataMin:
As per ExportData, but behaves as though a Designer lock is present. That is, component details are summarised into one component price record. This is also the same as the middleware action command ExportDataMin(report file).
- ExportPrice:
File > Export > Export Price creates a tab export file with one line per cabinet, giving its name and price. All the names are prefixed by the drawing property variable PresentationPrefix if defined. Specify a partial filename and it will be extended defaulting to a .tab in the Data folder
- ExportPriceAppend:
As per ExportPrice, but appends instead of creating a new file.
- ExportMachining:
File > Export > Export Machining Creates the machining export files (same as manually pressing F8).
- Open:
File > Print opens the drawing file specified, current one is closed without saving Specify a partial filename and it will be extended defaulting to a .qid in the Data folder.
- Merge:
File > Import > Merge Drawing merges the specified drawing into the current drawing Specify a partial filename and it will be extended defaulting to a .qid in the Data folder.
- MergeAscii:
File > Import > Merge from Ascii Merges the specified ascii tab file into the current drawing. Specify a partial filename and it will be extended defaulting to a .tab in the Data folder.
- Apply Template:
File > Prepare > Apply Templates apply selected template. "Replace existing answers with template answers" is the option selected. Specify a partial filename and it will be extended defaulting to a .qit in the Template folder.
- Recalc:
Opens the selected library, recalculates it and saves it. Chunking, if any specified in registry (on server) is observed. Specify a partial filepath and it will be extended defaulting to a .qil in the Library folder.