CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Logical Functions


    Returns TRUE if all its arguments are TRUE; returns FALSE if one or more arguments is FALSE.

    AND(logical1, logical2, ...)
    logical1 && logical2
    logical1 AND logical2
    Logical1, logical2, ... are the conditions you want to test that can be either TRUE or FALSE. Example:
    AND(1<10,3+4=7) equals TRUE


    Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE; returns FALSE if all arguments are FALSE.

    OR(logical1, logical2,...)
    logical1 || logical2
    logical1 OR logical2
    Logical1,logical2,... are the conditions you want to test that can be either TRUE or FALSE. Example:
    OR(1<10,1+1=3) equals TRUE


    Reverses the value of its argument. Use NOT when you want to make sure a value is not equal to one particular value.

    ! logical
    NOT logical
    Logical is a value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. If logical is FALSE, NOT returns TRUE; if logical is TRUE, NOT returns FALSE. Examples:
    NOT(FALSE) equals TRUE
    NOT(1+1=2) equals FALSE


    Operators specify the type of calculation that you want to perform on the elements of a formula. CabMasterPro includes four different types of calculation operators: arithmetic, comparison, text, and scope.

    Unit Operators

    Unit operators allow entry and conversion of real-world units such as lengths, money & time. See the Operators listing.

    Arithmetic Operators

    Arithmetic operators perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, or multiplication; combine numbers; and produce numeric results. You can either use the mathematical symbol (e.g. + or -) or you can use a keyword (e.g. TIMES).

    Arithmetic Operator Meaning Example
    + or PLUS Addition or Positive 3 + 3 or +8
    - or MINUS or LESS Subtraction or Negation 3 - 1 or -17
    * (asterisk) or TIMES Multiplication 3 * 7
    / (fwd slash) or DIVIDED BY Division 8 / 2
    % (percent sign) Percent 20%
    ^ (caret) Exponentiation 3 ^ 2


    Comparison Operators

    Comparison operators compare two values and then produce the logical value TRUE or FALSE. You can use the symbols ( =, <, etc) or the text phrases.

    All of the key phases can have a 'NOT' inserted after the 'IS' to return the opposite result, e.g. 'IS AT LEAST' and 'IS NOT AT LEAST'. A special case is the 'IS BETWEEN' comparison, when a number is compared to two other values (instead of just one). The EXCLUSIVE word is optional, and the default (INCLUSIVE) is used if it is left out.

    If you want to ensure numeric comparisons takes place with the operators > >= < <= (i.e. to force numeric, not string behaviour), use a minus operator and compare the difference to 0, for example...

    if FinishedSize.y - FinishedSize.x > 0 then Point[1].x else 0

    For string comparisons, "80mm" > "125mm" is true, whereas numeric conversion to length gives 80mm > 125mm which is false. A subtraction forces numeric behaviour, with 80mm - 125mm > 0 comparing -45mm > 0 and giving the result false. This is only applicable to machinestep entry cells which are not strongly typed so they are string cells. In other places, like friendly pages and built in page cells carrying lengths, this concern does not apply.

    Comparison Operator Meaning Example
    = or == or IS or IS EQUAL TO Equal to A == B
    > or IS GREATER THAN or IS MORE THAN Greater than A > B
    < or IS LESS THAN or IS FEWER THAN Less than A < B
    >= IS AT LEAST or IS NOT LESS THAN etc More than or equal to A >= B
    <= IS AT MOST or IS NOT MORE THAN etc Less than or equal to A <= B
    <> or != or IS NOT or IS NOT EQUAL TO Not equal to A != B
    IS BETWEEN x AND y [EXCLUSIVE] Between two values A is between B and C


    Text Operators

    The text operator '&' combine one or more text values to produce a single piece of text.

    Text Operator Meaning Example
    & (ampersand) Joins two strings "North" & "wind" = "Northwind"

    If you mix text and numeric values, then '&' and '+' behave differently; '+' will attempt convert the text to a number and add it, '&' will convert the numeric to text and then concatenate (join) them.


    Scope Operator

    The scope operator '.' (full stop) returns a property of another object.

    Scope Operator Meaning Example
    . (period) A property of another section Container.Width


    Array Operator

    The array subscript operator '[ ]' (square brackets) returns a value from an array (see Arrays).

    Array Operator Meaning Example
    [ ] (square brackets) Returns a value from an array Dim[1]

    Order of Operations

    If you combine several operators in a single formula, CabMasterPro performs the operations in the order shown in the following table. If a formula contains operators with the same precedence (for example, if a formula contains both a multiplication and division operator) CabMasterPro evaluates the operators from left to right. To change the order of evaluation, enclose in parentheses the part of the formula you want to calculate first.

    Operator Examples
    Units $ m deg minutes ft
    Array element [ ]
    Scope . (full stop)
    Negative and Positive + -
    Percent %
    Exponentials ^
    Multiplication and Division * /
    Addition and Subtraction + -
    Concatenation (text addition) & +
    Comparison <= > ==

    By changing the wording of the formula, you can control how CabMasterPro performs the calculation. For example, the following formula gives a result of 11 because CabMasterPro calculates multiplication before addition: The formula multiplies 2 by 3 (resulting in 6) and then adds 5.

    5 + 2 * 3 = 11
    In contrast, if you use parentheses to change the syntax, you can first add 5 and 2 together and then multiply that result by 3 for a result of 21.
    (5 + 2) * 3 = 21