CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Mathematical Functions
    In This Topic

    These functions deal with anything related to numbers, including trigonometry, rounding and randomness. Note that for functions that take any number of parameters (e.g. Average and Sum) you can also provide an array of values and it will be expanded first. See the Arrays tutorial for details.

    Returns the absolute value of a number
    Syntax Abs (number)
    Inputs Number is what you want the absolute value of
    Notes The absolute value of a number is the number without its sign, and is therefore always positive. Taking the absolute of a positive number does not change it
    Examples Abs (5) = 5
    Abs (-5) = 5
    See Also Sign

    Returns the arccosine of a number. ACos is effectively the reverse of the Cos function
    Syntax ACos (number)
    Inputs Number is the cosine of the angle you want
    Outputs An angle in the range -90 to +90 degrees
    Examples ACos (0.5) = 60 degrees
    See Also ASin, ATan, ATan2

    Returns the measurement of an angle between 2 points
    Syntax AngleBetween (point1, point2)
    Inputs Point1, Point2 are the two points of the angle to be calculated
    Outputs An angle between currently selected units

    returns the angle subtended between two points on an arc
    Syntax ArcAngle (point1, point2, radius)
    Inputs Point1, Point2 are the endpoints of an arc drawn with arc radius specified
    Outputs The subtended angle of this arc is calculated and returned as an Angle type
    See Also ArcCentre, ArcLength

    Returns the centre of an arc between two points with given radius
    Syntax ArcCentre (point1, point2, radius)
    Inputs Point1, Point2 are the endpoints of an arc drawn with arc radius specified
    Outputs The centre point of this arc is calculated and returned as a Point2D
    See Also ArcAngle, ArcLength

    Returns the length of an arc between two points with given radius
    Syntax ArcLength (point1, point2, radius)
    Inputs Point1, Point2 are the endpoints of an arc drawn with arc radius specified
    Outputs The length of this arc is calculated and returned
    See Also ArcAngle, ArcCentre

    Computes an area from two lengths, using the formula "height x width"
    Syntax Area (length1, length2)
    Inputs Length1, length2 are the two dimensions of the area to be calculated
    Outputs An area in the currently selected units
    Examples Area (500mm, 1.5m) = 0.75 sqm

    Returns the arcsine of a number. ASin is effectively the reverse of the Sin function
    Syntax ASin (number)
    Inputs Number is the sine of the angle you want
    Outputs An angle in the range -90 to +90 degrees
    Examples ASin (0.5) = 30 degrees
    See Also ACos, ATan, ATan2

    Returns the arctangent of a number. ATan is effectively the reverse of the Tan function
    Syntax ATan (number)
    Inputs Number is the tangent of the angle you want
    Outputs An angle in the range -90 to +90 degrees
    Notes ATn has the same functionality
    Examples ATan (1) = 45 degrees
    See Also ASin, ACos, ATan2

    Returns the arctangent of a vector, i.e. the angle of a line between the origin and a specified point
    Syntax ATan2 (y, x)
    Inputs Y, X are the vertical and horizontal components of the vector
    Outputs An angle in the range -90 to +90 degrees
    Notes The vector is a line from the origin (0, 0) to a specified point (x, y). ATan2 calculates the angle between this line and the x-axis (zero degrees). ATan2 (y, x) is the same as ATan (y/x) except in ATan2 x can equal zero
    Examples ATan2 (1,1) = 45 degrees
    ATan2 (3, -3) = -45 degrees
    See Also ASin, ACos, ATan

    Calculates the average of two or more numbers
    Syntax Average (number1, number2, ...)
    Inputs Number1, number2, ... are the numbers you wish to get the average of, you can provide several
    Examples Average (3, 6, 5, 6) = 5
    See Also Max, Min

    Tests whether a value is between a given lower and upper bound
    Syntax Between (value, lower, upper, inclusive)
    Inputs Returns Yes if value is more than lower and less than upper. Inclusive is an optional flag that indicates whether each bounds test is inclusive or exclusive, see Notes
    Notes Inclusive is a number from 1 to 4:

    If inclusive is 0, the test is "value > lower And value < upper"
    If inclusive is 1, the test is "value > lower And value <= upper" (default)
    If inclusive is 2, the test is "value >= lower And value < upper"
    If inclusive is 3, the test is "value >= lower And value <= upper"
    Examples Between (10, 5, 14) = Yes
    Between (10, 10, 11, 3) = Yes
    Between (34.2, 30, 34.2, 2) = No

    Rounds a number up to the nearest whole number, or nearest multiple of a specified number
    Syntax Ceiling (number, step)
    Inputs Number is the number to be rounded up
    Step is optional. If included, number is rounded up to the nearest multiple of step
    Notes Note that unlike MRound, Ceiling always rounds up
    Examples Ceiling (34.2) = 35
    Ceiling (-183.2) = -183
    Ceiling (867.3, 40) = 880
    See Also Floor, MRound, Trunc

    Returns the cosine of an angle
    Syntax Cos (angle)
    Inputs Angle is the angle (in degrees) that you want the cosine of
    Examples Cos (0) = 1
    Cos (90) = 1
    Cos (60) = 0.5
    See Also Sin, Tan, ACos

    Converts an angle from radians into degrees
    Syntax Degrees (angle)
    Inputs Angle is the number to be converted into degrees
    Notes If units are not provided, the input angle is assumed to be in radians
    Examples Degrees (1.5707) = 90 deg
    Degrees (Pi) = 180 deg
    See Also Radians

    Measures the distance between 2 points
    Syntax Distance (Point1, Point2)
    Inputs Point1, Point2 are the points to measure distance between.
    Notes These can be defined in either 2 or 3 dimensions.

    Rounds a number up to the nearest even whole number
    Syntax Even (number)
    Inputs Number is what needs rounding up to an even number
    Examples Even (2.13) = 4
    Even (-9.8) = -8
    See Also Odd

    Rounds a number down to the nearest whole number, or nearest multiple of a specified number
    Syntax Floor (number, step)
    Inputs Number is the number to be rounded down
    Step is optional. If included, number is rounded down to the nearest multiple of step
    Notes Note that unlike MRound, Floor always rounds down
    Examples Floor (34.2) = 34
    Floor (-183.95) = -184
    Floor (867.3, 40) = 840
    See Also Ceiling, MRound, Trunc

    Returns the length of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle
    Syntax Hypot (x, y)
    Inputs X, Y are the lengths of two sides of a right angled triangle. Hypot(x,y) returns sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    Notes Hypot calculates the length of the hypotenuse of the right angled triangle.
    Examples Hypot (3,4) = 5
    Hypot (3mm, 4mm) = 5mm
    See Also Sqrt

    For calculating the intersection of two 2D lines
    Syntax Intersection (line1Pt1, line1Pt2, line2Pt1, line2Pt2) or
    Intersection (line1Pt1, line1Angle, line2Pt1, line2Angle)
    Inputs Line1Pt1 and Line1Pt2 are the two endpoints of Line1 in the first syntax.
    In the second syntax, Line1Pt1 and Line2Angle defines a line through the point at specified angle.

    Line2Pt1 and Line2Pt2 are the two endpoints of Line2 in the first syntax.
    In the second syntax, Line2Pt1 and Line2Angle defines a line through the point at specified angle.

    The points must be Point2D types.
    Outputs Returns the intersection point of the two lines as a Point2D, or returns #N/A for failure.
    For lines specified as two endpoints, this will only return an intersection point if on or within the lines.
    Notes It is only valid to specify 2 angles or 2 secondary points, not a mix of types to a single call.

    Returns the largest number from a set of numbers
    Syntax Max (number1, number2, ...)
    Inputs Number1, number2, ... are the numbers you wish to find the maximum of, you can provide several
    Examples Max (23, 17, 34, 29) = 34
    See Also Min, Average

    Find the midpoint between 2 points.
    Syntax MidPoint (Point1, Point2)
    Inputs Point1 is the first point and Point2 is the second point to find the midpoint between.
    Notes These can be defined in either 2 or 3 dimensions. See also EdgeMidPoint in tutorial Wall and PolyItem Edges.

    Returns the smallest number from a set of numbers
    Syntax Min (number1, number2, ...)
    Inputs Number1, number2, ... are the numbers you wish to find the minimum of, you can provide several
    Examples Min (23, 17, 34, 29) = 17
    See Also Max, Average

    Returns the remainder when a specified number is divided by another
    Syntax Mod (number1, number2)
    Inputs Number1 is divided by number2 and the remainder is given. Number2 should not be zero, as dividing by zero is undefined
    Notes If number2 divides exactly into number2, the result of Mod will be zero. This is useful for testing for multiples (factors)
    Examples Mod (22, 8) = 6
    Mod (-8, 3) = -2
    Mod (16, 4) = 0
    See Also Quotient

    Rounds a number to the nearest whole number, or nearest multiple of a specified number
    Syntax MRound (number, step)
    Inputs Number is the number to be rounded
    Step is optional. If included, number is rounded to the nearest multiple of step
    Examples MRound (34.2) = 34
    MRound (-183.95) = -184
    MRound (867.3, 40) = 880
    See Also Ceiling, Floor, Trunc

    Rounds a number up to the nearest odd whole number
    Syntax Odd (number)
    Inputs Number is what needs rounding up to an odd number
    Examples Odd (2.13) = 3
    Odd (-9.8) = -9
    See Also Even

    Returns a number raised to a specific power
    Syntax Power (base, exponent)
    Inputs Base is the number to be raised to the power of exponent
    Examples Power (2, 8) = 256
    See Also Sqrt

    Returns the result when a set of numbers is multiplied together
    Syntax Product (number1, number2, ...)
    Inputs Number1, number2, ... are the numbers to be multiplied, you can provide several
    Examples Product (3, 4, 2) = 24
    Product (-5, 8, 0.5) = -20

    Projects a point
    Syntax ProjectOntoLine (point, linepoint1, linepoint2]) or
    ProjectOntoLine (point, linepoint1, lineangle])
    Inputs Point is the point to be projected onto the line joining LinePoint1 to LinePoint2 in the first syntax.

    The second syntax option allows you to define a line through LinePoint1 at the specified LineAngle
    Outputs Returns the projected point on the specified line.
    Calling the function with Point2D parameters will return a Point2D output.
    Calling with Point3D returns Point3D output.
    Notes The input point parameters can be all Point2D types or Point3D types, but not a mixture.

    Returns how many times one number divides into another
    Syntax Quotient (number1, number2)
    Inputs Number1 is divided by number2 and the remainder is discarded
    Notes This function is equivalent to Floor (number1 / number2). Number2 should not be zero or an error will result
    Examples Quotient (20, 8) = 2
    Quotient (-9, 2) = -4
    See Also Mod

    Converts an angle from degrees into radians
    Syntax Radians (angle)
    Inputs Angle is the number to be converted into radians
    Notes If units are not provided, the input angle is assumed to be in degrees
    Examples Radians (90) = 1.5707 rad
    Radians (180) = 3.1415 (i.e. the value of Pi)
    See Also Degrees

    Generates a random number between zero and one
    Syntax Rand ( )
    Inputs None
    Outputs A random number R is created, such that 0 ≤ R < 1 ie can be exactly 0 but never exactly 1
    Notes Even though Rand doesn't take any inputs, you must still include the empty brackets to indicate it is a function. There is also a constant Rnd which acts the same as Rand
    Examples Rand ( ) = 0.868927
    Rand ( ) = 0.018311
    See Also Random, RandBetween, Rnd

    Generates a random whole number between two specified limits
    Syntax RandBetween (lower, upper)
    Inputs Lower, upper are the two limits that the random number must fall within
    Outputs A random integer R is created, such that lower ≤ R ≤ upper
    Notes The specified limits are inclusive, ie the random number could be equal to one of the limits. RandBetween is different from the other random functions in that it returns a whole number instead of a fraction (floating point number)
    Examples RandBetween (1000, 2000) = 1492
    RandBetween (10, 15) = 12
    See Also Rand, Random, Rnd

    Generates a random number between zero and one inclusive
    Syntax Random ( )
    Inputs None
    Outputs A random number R is created, such that 0 ≤ R ≤ 1
    Notes Even though Random doesn't take any inputs, you must still include the empty brackets to indicate it is a function. Random differs from the Rand function because its range includes 1
    Examples Random ( ) = 0.868927
    Random ( ) = 1.000
    See Also Rand, RandBetween, Rnd

    Generates a random number between zero and one
    Syntax Rnd ( )
    Inputs None
    Outputs A random number R is created, such that 0 ≤ R < 1 ie can be exactly 0 but never exactly 1
    Notes Acts is same way as Rand and you must still include the empty brackets to indicate it is a function. See topic on constants Rnd.
    Examples Rnd ( ) = 0.868927
    Rnd ( ) = 0.018311
    See Also Rand, Random, RandBetween

    Rotates a point
    Syntax RotatePoint (point, angle [, centerPoint])
    Inputs Point the point to be rotated Angle determining how much rotation to apply centerPoint is optional and is the center of rotation - if not specified, the point is rotated about the origin, ie Point2D(0mm,0mm)

    Indicates whether a specified number is positive, negative or zero
    Syntax Sign (number)
    Inputs Number is what you need the sign of
    Outputs Sgn and Sign returns -1 if number is negative, +1 if its positive, and 0 if it is equal to zero
    Notes The Sign function is effectively the same as "number / Abs (number)", except number can equal zero
    Examples Sign (-21384) = -1
    Sign (43) = 1
    See Also Abs

    Returns the sine of an angle
    Syntax Sin (angle)
    Inputs Angle is the angle (in degrees) that you want the sine of
    Examples Sin (0) = 0
    Sin (90) = 1
    Sin (30) = 0.5
    See Also Cos, Tan, ASin

    Returns the square root of a specified number
    Syntax Sqrt (number)
    Inputs Number is what you want the square root of
    Notes Number must not be negative. Use Abs to ensure it is always positive.
    Sqr is an alias for Sqrt (as per VBA). To square a single value, use SumSq with one argument.
    Examples Sqrt (16) = 4
    Sqrt (123) = 11.090537
    See Also Hypot

    Adds together a specified set of numbers and returns the result
    Syntax Sum (number1, number2, ...)
    Inputs Number1, number2, ... are the numbers you want to be added, you can provide several
    Examples Sum (10, 5, 300, -50) = 265
    See Also SumSq

    Adds together the squares of a specified set of numbers and returns the result
    Syntax SumSq (number1, number2, ...)
    Inputs Number1, number2, ... are the numbers of which you want the squares to added, you can provide several
    Notes Each number is squared first, and then the squares are added together. This is not the same as using the Sum function then squaring that result
    Examples SumSq (4, 2, 10) = 120
    See Also Sum

    Returns the tangent of an angle
    Syntax Tan (angle)
    Inputs Angle is the angle (in degrees) that you want the tangent of
    Examples Tan (0) = 0
    Tan (45) = 1
    Tan (90) = undefined
    See Also Sin, Cos, ATan

    Removes any fraction from the specified number and returns a whole number
    Syntax Trunc (number)
    Inputs Number is the number to be truncated
    Notes Trunc does not round numbers to the nearest whole number, it just cuts off anything after the decimal point
    Examples Trunc (34.2) = 34
    Trunc (-183.95) = -183
    See Also Floor, Ceiling, MRound