CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Array Functions
    In This Topic

    Arrays are collections of variables which can be accessed using a single name, which comes in very handy when dealing with sets of data.

    Note that these functions do not work for associative arrays. For a complete description of how arrays work and what they can be used for, see the Arrays tutorial.

    Creates a new array from a specified list of values
    Syntax Array (value1, value2, ...)
    Inputs Value1, value2, ... are the items you wish to place in the array, they can be of any type
    Notes See also Tutorial on Arrays
    Examples Array (5, "text", 10deg, 64mm) = [5,text,10deg,64mm]
    See Also RemoveArrayValue

    Converts an array into a string, using a specified separator (optional)
    Syntax ArrayToString (array, separator)
    Inputs Array is what you want converted to a string. The separator string is optional, the default is the pipe character '|'
    Outputs ArrayToString takes each element in array and adds them to a string, one after another. In between each of the elements, it inserts separator
    Notes The default separator (the pipe character) is useful for Friendly Page drop-down lists, because this the format the "Combo Source" field uses. Note that separator can be a full string, not just a single character
    Examples ArrayToString ([5, "text", 10deg, 64mm]) = "5|text|10deg|64mm"
    ArrayToString (["item1", "item2", "item3"], " AND ") = "item1 AND item2 AND item3"
    See Also StringToArray

    Removes all occurrences of a specified value from an array
    Syntax Compact (array, val)
    Inputs Array is what any occurrences of val will be removed from. Val is optional, the default is the Empty element
    Notes If val is omitted, any empty elements (such as zero or blank strings) will be removed
    Examples Compact ([4, "", 80mm, $6.30, 0.0 radians]) = [4, 80mm, $6.30]
    Compact ([50mm, 3" - 2", 3.3cm, 25.4mm], 1") = [50mm, 33mm]
    See Also Uniq

    Returns the number of elements in the specified array
    Syntax Count (array)
    Inputs Array is what you want to find the size of
    Examples Count (["item1", "item2", "item3"]) = 3
    Count (10) = 1

    Returns the first element or elements from the specified array
    Syntax First (array, count)
    Inputs Array is what you want the first element(s) of. Count is optional, and is the number of elements you want (default = 1)
    Outputs Returns the first count elements of array as another array
    Notes If count is more than the number of elements in array, the whole array will be returned
    Examples First (["item1", "item2", "item3"]) = [item1]
    First (["item1", "item2", "item3"], 2) = [item1,item2]
    See Also Last, Middle

    Returns a single specific element from an array
    Syntax GetAt (array, index) or GetAt (map, key)
    Inputs Array or Map is what you want the element returned from, and Index or Key is the position of the element
    Notes This is effectively the same as saying array [ index ]. The index of the first item is one, not zero. NB: Accepts map and key as well as array index
    Examples GetAt ([5, "text", 10deg, 64mm], 3) = 10deg

    Find the first instance of item in array
    Syntax IndexOf (item, array [,start])
    Inputs IndexOf finds the first instance of item in array. Optionally you can find first instance from Start position
    Notes The index numbers in an array start from 1, as opposed to zero as in some programming languages (C, Java, etc). This means that the first item in an array has an index of 1, the second has index 2 and so on. Search items are case independent.

    See also Tutorial on Arrays

    Concatenates two or more specified arrays
    Syntax Join (array1, array2, ...)
    Inputs Array1, array2, ... are the arrays you wish to join together
    Outputs A new array containing all the elements of the original arrays is returned
    Notes The elements are placed in the new array in the order that the original arrays were given
    Examples Join ([34, 6, 93.5], [4.5sqm, 1.7rad], ["text"]) = [34, 6, 93.5, 4.5sqm, 1.7rad, "text"]

    Returns the last element or elements from the specified array
    Syntax Last (array, count)
    Inputs Array is what you want the last element(s) of. Count is optional, and is the number of elements you want (default = 1)
    Outputs Returns the last count elements of array as another array
    Notes If count is more than the number of elements in array, the whole array will be returned
    Examples Last (["item1", "item2", "item3"]) = [item3]
    Last (["item1", "item2", "item3"], 2) = [item2,item3]
    See Also First, Middle

    Creates a new map from a specified list of key:value pairs
    Syntax Map {key:value ,key2:value2, ... }
    Inputs Key is a string and Value are the items you wish to find in the map, they can be of any type.
    Notes This is a Map so that a lot of the existing square bracket-style properties from the libraries can be collapsed.

    The formula syntax is: [ : , : ... ] where both key and value can be any valid literal data value.
    Examples See tutorial on Maps
    See Also RemoveMapValue

    Returns a set of elements from the specified array
    Syntax Middle (array, start, count)
    Inputs Array is what you want to get the elements from. Start is the index of the first element you want, and count and is the number of elements to be returned
    Outputs Returns count elements of array as another array, beginning from element start
    Notes Count is an optional parameter - if it is not provided, Middle returns all the elements from start to the end of array
    Examples Middle (["item1", "item2", "item3", "item4"], 3) = [item3,item4]
    Middle (["item1", "item2", "item3", "item4"], 2, 1) = [item2]
    See Also First, Last

    A pair of lengths, in brackets, comma separated, representing a point in the xy plane
    Syntax Point2D (valx, valy)
    Inputs valX is a length which is the x-coordinate of the point. valY is a length which is the y-coordinate of the point
    Notes An array of Point2D values can also be defined by using the shorthand syntax: Point2D([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]) which is equivalent to [Point2D(1,2), etc]
    Examples Point2D(3mm,4mm)

    Lengths, in brackets, comma separated, representing a point in the xyz plane
    Syntax Point3D (valx, valy, valz)
    Inputs valX is a length which is the x-coordinate of the point. valY is a length which is the y-coordinate of the point. valZ is a length which is the z-coordinate of the point.
    Examples Point3D(3mm,4mm,5mm)

    Removes value of specified array
    Syntax RemoveArrayValue (array, index)
    Inputs Array is what you wish to remove the elements of. Index specifies the index to remove.

    Removes value of specified map
    Syntax RemoveMapValue (map, key)
    Inputs Map is what you wish to remove the elements of. Index specifies the key:value pair to remove.

    Returns an array which is in the reverse order of the specified array
    Syntax Reverse (array)
    Inputs Array is what you wish to reverse the elements of
    Examples Reverse ([5, "text", 10deg, 64mm]) = [64mm, 10deg, "text", 5]

    Set the value for specified key in the array
    Syntax SetArrayValue (array, key, newValue)
    Inputs Array is what you wish to set the item into
    Key is the key whose value needs to be updated within this array
    value that you want set in array
    Notes Must provide array name as string, can be qualified as If the string passed in as the first parameter to these functions is the name of a local variable, update the local variable rather than doing a context lookup.
    Examples If we have an array ABC containing ["A","B","C"] then the action command SetArrayValue(ABC,2,"NewValue") changes ABC to ["A","NewValue","C"]

    Set the value for specified key in the map
    Syntax SetMapValue (map, key, newValue)
    Inputs Map is the map to be updated
    Key is the key whose value needs to be updated within this map
    NewValue is the new value to be put into the map at this key
    Notes Must provide map name as string, can be qualified as If the string passed in as the first parameter to these functions is the name of a local variable, update the local variable rather than doing a context lookup. The new value can be any type, including another map or an array.
    Examples If we have a map ABC containing {"key1":3mm, "anotherkey":"somevalue"} then the action command SETMAPVALUE(ABC,"key1",Yes) changes ABC to {"key1":Yes, "anotherkey":"somevalue"}

    Returns a copy of the specifed array with the elements sorted
    Syntax Sort (array)
    Inputs Array is what you want to sort the elements of
    Notes Sorting an array that contains different data types can return unexpected results
    Examples Sort ([43, 6.4, 983, -13]) = [-13, 6.4, 43, 983]
    Sort ([5, "text", 10deg, 64mm]) = ["text", 5, 64mm, 10deg]

    Returns a copy of the specified array with all the adjacent duplicate elements removed
    Syntax Uniq (array)
    Inputs Array is what you want all the adjacent duplicates removed from
    Notes Uniq will only remove an element if it is identical to one next to it. To remove all duplicates from an array, use the Sort function first.
    Different units of the same type will be converted to a single unit before being compared. eg Uniq ([25.4mm, 1 inch]) will convert the "1 inch" to "25.4mm", then remove it because it matches another element
    Examples Uniq([8, 4, 3, 4]) = [8, 4, 3]
    Uniq([180deg, PI rad, 35mm]) = [180deg, 35mm]
    See Also Sort

    Use in a ForEach loop to generate all the elements of an array.
    Syntax [ (for loop on var) {yield expression using var} ]
    Inputs var and an {expression} using var. The outer square brackets define an array generated by the { yield expression } for each value of var in the for-loop.
    Examples [ for each x in [3,5] { yield x*2 } ] generates the array [6, 8, 10]
    In this example, the expression x*2 is evaluated once for each value of the for-loop control variable, ie 3,4,5 then the resulting elements are put into an array.
    See Also Loops

    Use in a foreach loop to generate all the elements of a map.
    Syntax [ (for loop on key:val map) {yieldmap key : expression using value} ]
    Inputs key:val and an {expression} using val. The outer square brackets define a map generated by the { yieldmap key:expression } for each key:val of the input map in the for-loop.
    Examples [ for each key,val in [3:5,4:6] { yieldmap key:val*2 } ] generates the map [3:10, 4:12]
    In this example, the expression val*2 is evaluated once for each key,val of the for-loop, i.e. 3:5 then 4:6 then the resulting key:value elements are put into a map.
    See Also Loops