CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Full Index of Functions
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      Function Description
    Action Functions which interact with the user or have a visible effect
      AddToLibrary Saves current item to library
      Alert Another name for the MsgBox function
      BrowseDXF Browse for DXF with a file dialog
      BrowseImage Browse for image with a file dialog
      BrowseModel Browse for model with a file dialog
      Confirm Pops up a message box which asks the user a Yes or No question
      EditLength Opens a dialog prompt which allows the user to edit a length variable, then returns the modified variable
      EditString Opens a single line prompt which allows the user to edit a text string, then returns the modified string
      EditText Opens a multi line textbox which allows the user to edit a text string, then returns the modified string
      EditWholenum Opens a dialog prompt which allows the user to edit a length variable, then returns the modified variable
      MsgBox Displays a message dialog with an OK button to the user
      MsgBoxLog Adds a message of the specified category to the program log
      PickColor Launches a color-picker dialog
      PreviewCurrent Sets the current selection for the preview pane, perhaps causing it to change what is displayed
      PreviewDonorFaceShadows Turns the face shadows on/off in the preview pane
      PreviewElevation Turns the elevation on/off in the preview pane
      PreviewHilite Turns on highlighting of the type of object requested in the preview pane
      PreviewMachining Turns the machining on/off in the preview pane
      PreviewShowMachining Shows machining in 3D wireframe view, plan view etc in preview pane
      PreviewType Make preview pane show selected view type, if available.
      Report Generates a report of the specified type from the drawing.
      RunCmdLine Runs command line with params, optionally silent, always waits
      Shell Runs an external program or opens a document in its associated application
      ShellWait Runs an external program or opens a document in its associated application and waits for user to click a button to say it has finished.
      ShowFriendlyPages Displays a friendly page dialog with title and qiq as supplied.
      ShowFriendlyWizard Runs a friendly page wizard with title and qiq as supplied
      ShowPage Changes the property sheet to display the friendly page with selected category name and page name.
      WriteHostDXF Write DXF to specified file+path and notify host.
    Array Functions for accessing and re-ordering the elements in a set
      Array Creates a new array from a specified list of values
      ArrayToString Converts an array into a string, using a specified separator (optional)
      Compact Removes all occurrences of a specified value from an array
      Count Returns the number of elements in the specified array
      First Returns the first element or elements from the specified array
      GetAt Returns a single specific element from an array
      IndexOf Find the first instance of item in array
      Join Concatenates two or more specified arrays
      Last Returns the last element or elements from the specified array
      Map Creates a new map from a specified list of key:value pairs
      Middle Returns a set of elements from the specified array
      Point2D A pair of lengths, in brackets, comma separated, representing a point in the xy plane
      Point3D Lengths, in brackets, comma separated, representing a point in the xyz plane
      RemoveArrayValue Removes value of specified array
      RemoveMapValue Removes value of specified map
      Reverse Returns an array which is in the reverse order of the specified array
      SetArrayValue Set the value for specified key in the array
      SetMapValue Set the value for specified key in the map
      Sort Returns a copy of the specified array with the elements sorted
      Uniq Returns a copy of the specified array with all the adjacent duplicate elements removed
      Yield Use in a ForEach loop to generate all the elements of an array.
      YieldMap Use in a ForEach loop to generate all the elements of a map.
    File Functions for reading, writing and executing external files
      AppendLine Adds a line of text to the end of the specified file
      BrowseFile Browse for File with a file dialog
      Call Reads a formula from the specified file and evaluates it
      Export Saves data from the current drawing to the specified file
      ExportData Creates a set of tab files (tab-delimited values) for reporting purposes and external applications
      ExportDataMin Creates a set of tab files (tab-delimited values) for reporting purposes and external applications
      ExportDoc3D Prompts to create a 3D export file for whole drawing
      ExportItem3D Prompts to create a 3D export file for current item in the Preview Pane
      ExportValues Generate user configurable export file
      FileExists Indicates whether the specified file already exists or not
      FileLen Returns the size of a specified file in bytes
      ListFileNames Returns the names of files in wildspec folder listed and put into string
      ListFolderNames Returns the names of subfolders in wildspec folder listed and put into string
      Merge Loads data from the specified file and merges it with the current drawing
      ReadAndIncrement Reads a whole number from a file, increments that number and writes the result back to the file
      ReadFile Returns the entire file specified
      ReadLine Returns a specific line of text read from a file
      SaveDrawing Saves the current drawing to disk, optionally with a new name
      WriteLine Creates a new file and writes the specified string to that file
    Lookup Table Functions for manipulating simple text-based spreadsheets
      AddCol Add a new column to the table with the given label and type
      AddRow Add a new row to the table with the given label
      AddToCatalog Saves current item to catalog
      BeginTrans Indicates the start of lookup table Transactions
      ColCount Returns the number of columns in a lookup table
      ColLabel Reads a specific column heading from a lookup table and returns it
      ColLabels Returns a list of all the column headings in a specified lookup table
      ColLabelsForRow Returns a list of column names, where those columns contain a specified value in a certain row
      ColLabelsForRow2 Returns a list of column names, where those columns contain specified value in two rows
      ColLabelsForVal Returns a list of column names, where those columns contain a specified value
      ColValues Returns a list of all the values in a specific column of a lookup table
      ColValuesByIndex Returns a list of all the values in a specific column of a lookup table
      ColValuesFilterByCol2 Returns a list of values from a column, where another column in the same row contains specified values.
      CommitTrans Save any changes made during the current Transactions on a specified lookup table
      FormEditor Launch form editor
      HasCatalog Tests if there is an active catalog for the current library.
      LookUp Returns the value of a cell from a lookup table, specified by the names of its row and column
      LookupByIndex Returns the value of a cell from a lookup table, specified by the indexes of its row and column
      LookupCol Returns a list of all the values in a specific column of a lookup table
      LookupColLabels Returns a list of all the column headings in a specified lookup table
      LookupColMap Looks up a QLT column returning it as a map.
      LookupColUnique Returns a copy of the specified array with elements sorted and all the adjacent duplicate elements removed
      LookupColWithFilter Returns a list of filtered values in a specific column of a lookup table
      LookupExact Returns the value of a cell from a lookup table, specified exactly by the names of its row and column
      LookupRow Returns a list of all values in a specific row of a lookup table, as an array of values
      LookupRowLabels Returns a list of all the row headings in a specified lookup table
      LookupRowLabelsWithFilter Returns a list of filtered values in a specific row of a lookup table
      LookupRowMap Looks up a QLT row returning it as a map.
      LookupRowMapWithFilter Returns a list of filtered values in a specific row of a lookup table
      Reload Refreshes the cached version of the specified table
      RemoveCol Remove the column from the table
      RemoveColByIndex Remove the nth column from the table
      RemoveRow Remove the row from the table
      RemoveRowByIndex Remove the nth row from the table
      Rollback Abandons any changes made during the current Transactions on a specified lookup table
      RowCount Returns the number of rows in a lookup table
      RowLabel Reads a specific row heading from a lookup table and returns it
      RowLabels Returns a list of all the row headings in a specified lookup table
      RowLabelsForCol Returns a list of row names, where those rows contain a specified value in a certain column
      RowLabelsForCol2 Returns a list of row names, where those rows contain specified value in two columns
      RowLabelsForVal Returns a list of row names, where those rows contain a specified value
      RowValues Returns a list of all the values in a specific row of a lookup table
      RowValuesByIndex Returns a list of all the values in a specific row of a lookup table
      RowValuesFilterByRow2 Returns a list of values from a row, where another row in the same column contains specified values.
      TableEditor Launch table editor
      Update Changes the value of a cell in a lookup table, specified by either the names or indexes of its row and column
    Mathematical Functions that deal with purely numerical data
      Abs Returns the absolute value of a number
      ACos Returns the arccosine of a number. ACos is effectively the reverse of the Cos function
      AngleBetween Returns the measurement of an angle between 2 points
      ArcAngle returns the angle subtended between two points on an arc
      ArcCentre Returns the centre of an arc between two points with given radius
      ArcLength Returns the length of an arc between two points with given radius
      Area Computes an area from two lengths, using the formula "height x width"
      ASin Returns the arcsine of a number. ASin is effectively the reverse of the Sin function
      ATan Returns the arctangent of a number. ATan is effectively the reverse of the Tan function
      ATan2 Returns the arctangent of a vector, i.e. the angle of a line between the origin and a specified point
      ATn Another name for the ATan function
      Average Calculates the average of two or more numbers
      Between Tests whether a value is between a given lower and upper bound
      Ceiling Rounds a number up to the nearest whole number, or nearest multiple of a specified number
      Cos Returns the cosine of an angle
      Degrees Converts an angle from radians into degrees
      Distance Measures the distance between 2 points
      Even Rounds a number up to the nearest even whole number
      Floor Rounds a number down to the nearest whole number, or nearest multiple of a specified number
      Hypot Returns the length of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle
      Intersection For calculating the intersection of two 2D lines
      Max Returns the largest number from a set of numbers
      MidPoint Find the midpoint between 2 points.
      Min Returns the smallest number from a set of numbers
      Mod Returns the remainder when a specified number is divided by another
      MRound Rounds a number to the nearest whole number, or nearest multiple of a specified number
      Odd Rounds a number up to the nearest odd whole number
      Power Returns a number raised to a specific power
      Product Returns the result when a set of numbers is multiplied together
      ProjectOntoLine Projects a point
      Quotient Returns how many times one number divides into another
      Radians Converts an angle from degrees into radians
      Rand Generates a random number between zero and one
      RandBetween Generates a random whole number between two specified limits
      Random Generates a random number between zero and one inclusive
      Rnd Generates a random number between zero and one
      RotatePoint Rotates a point
      Sgn Another name for the Sign function
      Sign Indicates whether a specified number is positive, negative or zero
      Sin Returns the sine of an angle
      Sqr Another name for the Sqrt function
      Sqrt Returns the square root of a specified number
      Sum Adds together a specified set of numbers and returns the result
      SumSq Adds together the squares of a specified set of numbers and returns the result
      Tan Returns the tangent of an angle
      Trunc Removes any fraction from the specified number and returns a whole number
    Miscellaneous Functions which do not strictly fall into other categories
      _OnEditChange Postprocessing for changed value of system-reserved answer.
      _OnLoadAction If present in the drawing properties when a drawing is loaded, it will execute this formula string.
      _OnOpenPage Page initialisation for FPS which display specific sets of system-reserved answers.
      _OnSaveAction If present in the drawing properties (or currently selected library properties) it will execute this string instead of performing the usual Save or SaveAs menu options when you try to save the drawing.
      _OnShow Formula which is evaluated whenever the Friendly Page tab in Define area goes on display.
      _SystemAction Page initialisation for FPS which display specific sets of system-reserved answers.
      _UpdateProps Updates editmode focus item.
      AverageColor Calculates the overall color of a specified image
      Choose Selects a specified value from a list of values
      CVErr Generates an error message
      Debug Displays the steps taken when a formula is evaluated for debugging purposes
      Error Returns the message describing a specified error
      Eval Evaluates a string as a formula
      Format Display a formatted version of a date string
      Formula Returns a representation of a value which can be evaluated as a formula
      HasDeveloper Tests for presence of the developer addon in hasp lock
      HasHost Tests if there is a Host ready to receive messages
      Indirect Another name for the Eval function
      Info Displays requested system information
      LibraryList Returns all codes in the Library or catalog, as pipe separated string
      LibraryListByType Return pipe separated list of codes matching the regex provided for type.
      ResolveImagePath Returns the full filename
      ResolveModelPath Returns the full filename
      RGB Produces a color code from the specified red, green and blue values
      Stopwatch Returns time taken in mSec to evaluate the expression
      TotNHoles Counts all drill holes in the machining for a cabinet, optionally filtered by layer, diameter and depth
      UserID Displays user identification
      UsingMetricUnits Determines if metric or imperial unit systems used
      Val Another name for the Eval function
    Text Functions used for formatting, converting, and searching within text strings
      Asc Returns the ASCII code for a specified character
      Char Returns the character with the specified ASCII code
      Chr Another name for the Char function
      Code Another name for the Asc function
      Concatenate Joins two or more strings together and returns the resulting string
      Dollar Returns an expression formatted as a dollar amount
      DollarNoUnit Returns an expression formatted as a dollar amount without the $ (dollar sign)
      Exact Compares two values as strings
      Field Extracts a particular substring from a separated string
      FieldCount Calculates the number of fields in a separated string
      Find Locates a specified substring within a given string
      FindOneOf Searches a string for one of a set of characters
      InStr Locates a specified substring within a given string
      LCase Converts a given string to lower case
      Left Returns a certain number of characters from the start of a string
      Len Returns the length of a string
      Length Converts a specific value to a length in the current units
      LengthNoUnit This is the same as the Length function but the units text is not added
      Lower Another name for the LCase function
      LowerNoCvt Converts a given string to lower case
      LTrim Removes all the white space from the start of a specified string
      Mid Returns a certain number of characters from the middle of a string
      Replace Inserts a new string in place of a specified substring
      Rept Repeats a string a specified number of times
      Right Returns a certain number of characters from the end of a string
      RTrim Removes all the white space from the end of a specified string
      Search Locates a specified substring within a given string
      StringToArray Converts a string of separated items into an array
      Substitute Replaces all occurrences of a substring with a specified string
      Text Explicitly converts any value to a text string
      TextNoUnit Converts a variable of any type to a string, but does not include any units
      Trim Removes all the white space from the start and end of a specified string
      UCase Converts a given string to upper case
      Upper Another name for the UCase function
      UpperNoCvt Converts a given string to upper case
      Value Converts a string into a numerical value
    Variable Functions for testing the types of variables, and assigning values to them
      Defined Checks whether a specified variable has been declared
      IsBlank Tests if a value is an empty text string
      IsErr Tests if a value is an error code
      IsError Tests if a value is an error code or not available
      IsEven Tests if a value is an even number
      IsLogical Tests if a value is a boolean (Yes/No)
      IsNA Tests if a value is N/A (Not Available)
      IsNonText Tests if a value is not a text string
      IsNumber Tests if a value is numerical
      IsOdd Tests if a value is an odd number
      IsText Tests if a value is a text string
      LookupFormula Returns the formula, if any, controlling this variable
      SetFormula Sets the formula field of a variable to a specified value
      SetValue Sets a variable to a specified value
      SetValueTimed Timer sequence
      TypeIndex Finds the index for a given value
      TypeName Finds the name of given variable
      VarDelete Removes the specified variable in the current context (e.g. cabinet action for cabinet props etc).
      VarExist Checks whether a specified variable has been declared
      VarIfExistElse Evaluates expression
    Database Functions that deal with accessing Microsoft Access Databases (mdb).
      DBExecute Runs the specified query on the database.
      DBLookup Returns the value of a single field in the first result of the query.
      DBLookupCol Returns the chosen column of the results of the query as an array.
      DBLookupColLabels Returns the column headers in the query as a pipe ("|") separated string.
      DBLookupColValues Returns the chosen column of the results of the query as a pipe ("|") separated string.
      DBLookupRow Returns the first result of the query as an array.
      DBLookupRowValues Returns the first result of the query as a pipe ("|") separated string.