CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Database Functions
    In This Topic

    These functions deal with accessing data stored in databases outside CabMasterPro.

    For a guide to these functions see the Database Functions tutorial.

    Performance of database calls

    It depends what you try to do in middleware, whether the performance will be fast or slow. CabMasterPro internally keeps the database open from the time of the first reference to it, then detects subsequent references to the same database and reuses the open connection for efficiency. Internal database indexing and caching should look after you better than could be done with external guesses at what to cache, so CabMasterPro does not attempt more caching of the data itself. In practice, queries are only evaluated when the data in your drawing changes, so the performance can be quite snappy. We suggest using the CabMasterPro Debug function to analyse what's happening if performance appears to be slow. This will give you debug tracing output whenever a function is evaluated, and you can see what triggers it.

    Runs the specified query on the database.
    Syntax DBExecute (mdbpath, sql)
    Inputs mdbpath: The path relative to the PROGRAM_PATH folder where the mdb file can be found.
    sql: SQL query to be executed.
    Outputs The number of effected rows.
    Examples DBExecute("abc", "UPDATE TABLE1 SET CODE=""Pink"" WHERE CODE=""Red""") would change all codes which are Red to Pink and return the number of fields changed.

    Returns the value of a single field in the first result of the query.
    Syntax DBLookup (mdbpath, sql, param, field)
    Inputs mdbpath: The path relative to the PROGRAM_PATH folder where the mdb file can be found.
    sql: SQL query to be executed, must have a parameter represented by a '?'
    Param: The value of the parameter field from the SQL query
    Field: The database field to return the value of.
    Outputs The value of the field specified in the resulting SQL result.
    Notes Queries should usually be designed to return just one record, but if more than one record is returned, the first matching record will be used.
    Examples DBLookup("abc", "SELECT CODE,COST FROM TABLE1 WHERE CODE=?","Red","COST") will return the cost field in the row of Table1 in abc.mdb who's code is "Red".
    See Also DBLookupRow, DBLookupRowValues

    Returns the chosen column of the results of the query as an array.
    Syntax DBLookupCol (mdbpath, sql, field)
    Inputs mdbpath: The path relative to the PROGRAM_PATH folder where the mdb file can be found.
    sql: SQL query to be executed
    Field: The column header of the column of results desired.
    Outputs The specified column of the SQL result in an array.
    Examples DBLookupCol("abc", "SELECT CODE,COST FROM TABLE1","COST") will return the cost of every item in table1 in abc.mdb as an array.
    See Also DBLookup, DBLookupRow, DBLookupColValues

    Returns the column headers in the query as a pipe ("|") separated string.
    Syntax DBLookupCol (mdbpath, sql)
    Inputs mdbpath: The path relative to the PROGRAM_PATH folder where the mdb file can be found.
    sql: SQL query to be executed
    Outputs The column headers of the result as a pipe ("|") separated string.
    Examples DBLookupColLabels("abc", "SELECT CODE,COST FROM TABLE1") will return "CODE|COST"
    See Also DBLookup, DBLookupRow, DBLookupCol

    Returns the chosen column of the results of the query as a pipe ("|") separated string.
    Syntax DBLookupColValues (mdbpath, sql, field)
    Inputs mdbpath: The path relative to the PROGRAM_PATH folder where the mdb file can be found.
    sql: SQL query to be executed
    Field: The column header of the column of results desired.
    Outputs The specified column of the SQL result in a pipe ("|") separated string.
    Examples DBLookupCol("abc", "SELECT CODE,COST FROM TABLE1","COST") will return the cost of every item in table1 in abc.mdb as a pipe ("|") separated string.
    See Also DBLookup, DBLookupRowValues, DBLookupCol

    Returns the first result of the query as an array.
    Syntax DBLookupRow (mdbpath, sql, param)
    Inputs mdbpath: The path relative to the PROGRAM_PATH folder where the mdb file can be found.
    sql: SQL query to be executed, must have a parameter represented by a '?'
    Param: The value of the parameter field from the SQL query
    Outputs The value of the first row of the SQL result in an array.
    Notes Queries should usually be designed to return just one record, but if more than one record is returned, the first matching record will be used.
    Examples DBLookupRow("abc", "SELECT CODE,COST FROM TABLE1 WHERE CODE=?","Red") will return the code and cost of Table1 in abc.mdb who's code is "Red" as an array.
    See Also DBLookup, DBLookupRowValues

    Returns the first result of the query as a pipe ("|") separated string.
    Syntax DBLookupRowValues (mdbpath, sql, param)
    Inputs mdbpath: The path relative to the PROGRAM_PATH folder where the mdb file can be found.
    sql: SQL query to be executed, must have a parameter represented by a '?'
    Param: The value of the parameter field from the SQL query
    Outputs The value of the first row of the SQL result in a pipe ("|") separated string.
    Notes Queries should usually be designed to return just one record, but if more than one record is returned, the first matching record will be used.
    Examples DBLookupRowValues("abc", "SELECT CODE,COST FROM TABLE1 WHERE CODE=?","Red") will return the code and cost of Table1 in abc.mdb who's code is "Red" as a pipe ("|") separated string.
    See Also DBLookupRow, DBLookup