CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Lookup Table Functions
    In This Topic

    These functions allow you to read and write to text spreadsheets called Lookup Tables. They also provide the ability to perform database-style Transactions, which allows a set of updates to be done atomically.

    An example lookup table
    3 4      
    Dep\Wid 40mm 65mm 95mm 115mm
    400mm $23.10 $35.50 $56.10 $80.30
    900mm $51.00 $72.10 $118.80 $163.20
    1.6m $72.90 $102.20 $149.40 $198.60

    Add a new column to the table with the given label and type
    Syntax AddCol (table, label [,type])
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table to add a column to. Optionally allows column Type specification when adding table column from middleware.
    Notes When specifying a type for third param in the ADDCOL() function, you can use a string like "Money" or the named constant TYPE_MONEY. Either version is case independent, but the quoted string version cannot have the "type_" prefix, whereas the named constant version must include it.
    Examples AddCol("tablename.qlt", "ColumnName", 4) where 4 is a TypeIndex i.e. an index into the QAnyValue::TYPE enum,
    AddCol("tablename.qlt", "ColumnName", "Money") where "Money" is any friendly TypeName (case-independent)
    See Also RemoveCol, RemoveColByIndex

    Add a new row to the table with the given label
    Syntax AddRow (table, label)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table to add a row to
    See Also RemoveRow, RemoveRowByIndex

    AddToCatalog [Action Only]
    Saves current item to catalog
    Syntax AddToCatalog ()
    Inputs None (you still need to use the empty brackets)
    See Also FormEditor, HasCatalog

    BeginTrans [Action Only]
    Indicates the start of lookup table Transactions
    Syntax BeginTrans QLT table or
    Begin Transaction QLT table
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table to start a transaction on
    Notes Read the tutorial on Transactions for details
    Examples Begin Transaction QLT "sample"
    See Also CommitTrans, Rollback, Update

    Returns the number of columns in a lookup table
    Syntax ColCount (table)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved
    Examples ColCount ("sample") = 4
    See Also RowCount

    Reads a specific column heading from a lookup table and returns it
    Syntax ColLabel (table, index)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. Index is the number of the column to get the heading of
    Notes If the column index is out of range, #N/A is returned
    Examples ColLabel ("sample", 3) = "95mm"
    See Also RowLabel

    Returns a list of all the column headings in a specified lookup table
    Syntax ColLabels (table)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved
    Outputs A string of all the headings joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Examples ColLabels ("sample") = "40mm|65mm|95mm|115mm"
    See Also LookupColLabels, RowLabels

    Returns a list of column names, where those columns contain a specified value in a certain row
    Syntax ColLabelsForRow (table, row, value, match)
    Inputs Table is required, and is the lookup table to be used. If value is found anywhere along row, the names of the corresponding columns will be returned. Match is an optional Yes/No value and if set to No, will return all columns which contain a cell not equal to value in row
    Outputs A string of all the matched column names joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Notes Value is optional - if it is omitted, all columns which do not have an empty value in row will be returned. For detailed explanations and examples on this set of functions, see the Lookup Table tutorial section called Listing Functions
    Examples See the tutorial referred to above for examples
    See Also RowLabelsForCol, ColLabelsForVal, RowLabelsForVal

    Returns a list of column names, where those columns contain specified value in two rows
    Syntax ColLabelsForRow2 (table, row1, value1, match1, row2, value2, match2)
    Inputs Gets the names of the columns where row1 contains value1 and row2 contains value2. Match1 and Match2 are optional Yes/No variables which default to yes. If set to no, it instead searches for where the row contains any other value (Match1 affects row1 and value1, Match2 affects row2 and value2)
    Outputs A string of all the matched column names joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Notes Value1 and Value2 are optional - if they are omitted, the column names returned will be any columns with non-empty fields for row1 and row2. For detailed explanations and examples on this set of functions, see the Lookup Table tutorial section called Listing Functions
    Examples See the tutorial referred to above for examples

    Returns a list of column names, where those columns contain a specified value
    Syntax ColLabelsForVal (table, value, match)
    Inputs Table is required, and is the lookup table to be used. If value is found in a particular column, the name of that column will be added to the result list. Match is an optional Yes/No value and if set to No, will return all columns which contain a cell not equal to value
    Outputs A string of all the matched column names joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Notes Value is optional - if it is omitted, all columns which are not completely empty will be returned. For detailed explanations and examples on this set of functions, see the Lookup Table tutorial section called Listing Functions
    Examples See the tutorial referred to above for examples
    See Also RowLabelsForVal, ColLabelsForRow, RowLabelsForCol

    Returns a list of all the values in a specific column of a lookup table
    Syntax ColValues (table, name)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. The column to return the values from is specified by its column heading, name
    Outputs A string of all the values joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Notes If a column with a heading equal to (or more than) name can't be found, #N/A is returned
    Examples ColValues ("sample", "40mm") = "$23.10|$51.00|$72.90"
    See Also ColValuesByIndex, LookupCol, LookupColMap, RowValues

    Returns a list of all the values in a specific column of a lookup table
    Syntax ColValues (table, index)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. The column to return the values from is specified by its column number, index
    Outputs A string of all the values joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Notes If index is out of range, #N/A is returned
    Examples ColValuesByIndex ("sample", 3) = "$56.10|$118.80|$149.40"
    See Also ColValues, RowValuesByIndex

    Returns a list of values from a column, where another column in the same row contains specified values.
    Syntax ColValuesFilterByCol2 (table, col1, col2, val2)
    Inputs Finds the group of rows where col2 contains val2 and gets the values in col1.
    Outputs A string of all the col1 values from the rows that matched the criteria separated by | (pipe)
    Notes For detailed explanations and examples on this set of functions, see the Lookup Table tutorial section called Listing Functions
    Examples See the tutorial referred to above for examples

    CommitTrans [Action Only]
    Save any changes made during the current Transactions on a specified lookup table
    Syntax CommitTrans QLT table
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table to close a transaction on
    Notes CommitTrans must be called at the end of a transaction, otherwise all changes made since the start of the transaction will be lost. Read the tutorial on Transactions for details
    Examples Commit Transaction QLT "sample"
    See Also BeginTrans, Rollback, Update

    FormEditor [Action Only]
    Launch form editor
    Syntax FormEditor (filestub, [qltfile1,qltfile2...])
    Inputs filestub launches form editor using filestub.qiq with default qlt, default tablefolder
    Examples FormEditor(filestub,qltfilename) and FormEditor(filestub,[qltfile1,qltfile2...]) edits specified qlts for each friendly group.
    FormEditor(qiqfilename,qltfilename) launches a form editor using qiqfilename.qiq and qltfilename.qlt, default folder Tablefolder
    See Also TableEditor

    HasCatalog [Action Only]
    Tests if there is an active catalog for the current library.
    Syntax HasCatalog ()
    Inputs None (you still need to use the empty brackets)
    Outputs If you are running with an active catalog selected, then the answer is yes. If the selected and active library has no catalog then the answer is no.
    Notes Useful to check whether it is possible, before proceeding, to try to add the currently selected item to the currently active catalog. If there is no catalog, that will not work. If there is a button for adding to catalog, it might be useful to grey it out or, if that does not work, make it disappear as HASCATALOG returns No.
    See Also FormEditor, AddToCatalog

    Returns the value of a cell from a lookup table, specified by the names of its row and column
    Syntax LookUp (table, rowLabel, colLabel, default)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. RowLabel and colLabel are equal to (or less than) the cell's row and column headings. Default is optional, and is what will be returned if the specified cell cannot be found
    Outputs If default is not provided and the cell cannot be found, #N/A is returned
    Notes This function is best suited to looking up data like door prices, where the Next Value rule will likely be used
    Examples LookUp ("sample", 900mm, 95mm) = $118.80
    LookUp ("sample", 400mm, 120mm) = #N/A
    LookUp ("sample", 400mm, 120mm, $200) = $200.00
    See Also LookupByIndex, LookupExact

    Returns the value of a cell from a lookup table, specified by the indexes of its row and column
    Syntax LookupByIndex (table, rowNum, colNum, default)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. RowNum and colNum are the cell's row and column indexes. Default is optional, and is what will be returned if the specified cell cannot be found
    Outputs If default is not provided and the cell cannot be found, #N/A is returned
    Examples LookupByIndex("sample", 3, 1) = $72.90
    LookUpByIndex("sample", 6, 2, $0) = $0.00
    See Also LookUp, LookupExact

    Returns a list of all the values in a specific column of a lookup table
    Syntax LookupCol(table, name)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved.
    The column to return the values from is specified by its column Name heading.
    Outputs Returns an array containing the contents of the named column
    Notes This returns the same information as ColValues(table,name) but returns it as an array rather than a pipe separated string. This has the primary advantage of not discarding type information by converting everything to string values.
    Examples LookupCol ("sample", "40mm") = [$23.10,$51.00,$72.90]
    See Also ColValues, LookupColMap, LookupRow

    Returns a list of all the column headings in a specified lookup table
    Syntax LookupColLabels(table)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved
    Outputs Returns an array containing the labels for each column
    Notes Equivalent to ColLabels except that it returns an array instead of a pipe-delimited string, and therefore preserve type information.
    See Also ColLabels, LookUp, LookupExact, LookupByIndex

    Looks up a QLT column returning it as a map.
    Syntax LookupColMap(table [, colName])
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. Optional colName is the label for the column to lookup
    Outputs Returns a map with keys that are the rowlabels and values that are the elements from the specified column of the table. If colName not specified, then fetches the whole table.
    Notes This returns the same values as ColValues(table,colName) and LookupCol(table,colName) but returns the values as a map with keys that are the rowlabels. ColValues returns a pipe separated string and LookupCol returns an array of these same values. Search items are case independent.
    Examples LookupColMap("My.qlt", "colName") = ["RowName1":"Value1", "RowName2":"Value2"]
    See Also ColValues, LookupCol, LookupRowMap

    Returns a copy of the specified array with elements sorted and all the adjacent duplicate elements removed
    Syntax LookupColUnique(array)
    Inputs Array is what you want to sort the elements of and all the adjacent duplicates removed from
    Notes This is equivalent to Uniq(Sort(LookUpCol(...))) but has better performance characteristics when working with large tables.
    See Also LookUp, LookupCol, LookupExact, LookupByIndex

    Returns a list of filtered values in a specific column of a lookup table
    Syntax LookupColWithFilter(table, name, [col:val])
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved.
    The column to return the values from is specified by its column Name heading.
    [col:val] pairs to match each row against.
    Notes This is equivalent to LookupCol but with an extra parameter which takes a map value with col:value pairs to match each row against.
    Examples LookupColWithFilter("test.qlt","Thickness",["Brand":"MyBrand","Material":"Melamine"])
    Returns the "Thickness" value for every row in the qlt where the column "Brand" had the value "MyBrand" AND the row "Material" had the value "Melamine".
    See Also LookupCol, LookupColMap, LookupRowMapWithFilter

    Returns the value of a cell from a lookup table, specified exactly by the names of its row and column
    Syntax LookupExact (table, rowLabel, colLabel, default)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. RowLabel and colLabel are the cell's row and column headings. Default is optional, and is what will be returned if the specified cell cannot be found
    Outputs If default is not provided and the cell cannot be found, #N/A is returned
    Notes Because this function only matches row and column headings exactly, the Next Value rule does not get applied
    Examples LookUpExact ("sample", 1.6m, 50mm) = #N/A
    LookUpExact ("sample", 1.6m, 50mm, $0) = $0.00
    See Also LookUp, LookupByIndex

    Returns a list of all values in a specific row of a lookup table, as an array of values
    Syntax LookupRow(table, name)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved.
    The row to return the values from is specified by its row Name heading
    Outputs Returns an array containing the contents of the named row
    Notes This returns the same information as RowValues(table,name) but returns it as an array rather than a pipe separated string. This has the primary advantage of not discarding type information by converting everything to string values.
    Examples LookupRow ("sample", "140mm") = [$23.10,$51.00,$72.90]
    See Also RowValues, LookupRowMap, LookupCol

    Returns a list of all the row headings in a specified lookup table
    Syntax LookupRowLabels(table)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved
    Outputs Returns an array containing the labels for each row
    Notes Equivalent to RowLabels except that it returns an array instead of a pipe-delimited string, and therefore preserve type information.
    See Also LookUp, LookupExact, LookupByIndex, RowLabels

    Returns a list of filtered values in a specific row of a lookup table
    Syntax LookupRowWithFilter(table, name, [row:val])
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. The column to return the values from is specified by its row name heading. row:value pairs to match each row against
    Notes This is equivalent to LookupCol but with an extra parameter which takes a map value with col:value pairs to match each row against.
    Examples LookupRowWithFilter("test.qlt","Thickness",["Brand":"MyBrand","Material":"Melamine"])
    Returns the "Thickness" value for every row in the qlt where the column "Brand" had the value "MyBrand" AND the row "Material" had the value "Melamine".
    See Also LookupCol, LookupRow, LookupExact, LookupByIndex

    Looks up a QLT row returning it as a map.
    Syntax LookupRowMap(table [, rowName])
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. Optional rowName is the label for the row to lookup
    Outputs Returns a map with keys that are the colLabels and values that are the elements from the specified row of the table. If rowName not specified, then fetches the whole table.
    Notes This returns the same values as RowValues(table,rowName) and LookupRow(table,rowName) but returns the values as a map with keys that are the colLabels. RowValues returns a a pipe separated string and LookupRow returns an array of these same values. Search items are case independent.
    Examples LookupRowMap("My.qlt", "rowName") = ["ColName1":"Value1", "ColName2":"Value2"]
    See Also RowValues, LookupRow, LookupColMap

    Returns a list of filtered values in a specific row of a lookup table
    Syntax LookupRowMapWithFilter(table, rowName, [row:val])
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved.
    The row to return the values from is specified by its row Name heading.
    [row:val] pairs to match each row against.
    Notes This is equivalent to the unary version of LookupRowMap except that it takes an extra parameter which is a map-style filter, similar to LookupColWithFilter. Search items are case independent.
    See Also LookupColWithFilter, LookupRowMap, LookupRowLabelsWithFilter

    Reload [Action Only]
    Refreshes the cached version of the specified table
    Syntax Reload QLT table or
    Reload *
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table to reload
    Notes Copies of lookup tables are kept in memory (cached) when they are first read to speed up access. If a table is changed on disk, the old copy in memory will keep being used unless Reload is called. See the section on Caching for details. If Reload * (asterisk) is used, all cached tables will be reloaded
    Examples Reload QLT "sample"
    Reload *

    Remove the column from the table
    Syntax RemoveCol (table, row)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table to remove a column from
    See Also AddCol, RemoveColByIndex

    Remove the nth column from the table
    Syntax RemoveColByIndex (table, n)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table to remove a column from
    See Also AddCol, RemoveCol

    Remove the row from the table
    Syntax RemoveRow (table, row)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table to remove a row from
    See Also AddRow, RemoveRowByIndex

    Remove the nth row from the table
    Syntax RemoveRowByIndex (table, n)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table to remove a row from
    See Also AddRow, RemoveRow

    Rollback [Action Only]
    Abandons any changes made during the current Transactions on a specified lookup table
    Syntax Rollback QLT table
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table to abort the transaction on
    Notes Read the tutorial on Transactions for details
    Examples Rollback QLT "sample"
    See Also BeginTrans, CommitTrans, Update

    Returns the number of rows in a lookup table
    Syntax RowCount (table)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved
    Examples RowCount ("sample") = 3
    See Also ColCount

    Reads a specific row heading from a lookup table and returns it
    Syntax RowLabel (table, index)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. Index is the number of the row to get the heading of
    Notes If the row index is out of range, #N/A is returned
    Examples RowLabel ("sample", 1) = "400mm"
    See Also ColLabel

    Returns a list of all the row headings in a specified lookup table
    Syntax RowLabels (table)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved
    Outputs A string of all the headings joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Examples RowLabels ("sample") = "400mm|900mm|1600mm"
    See Also ColLabels, LookUpRowLabels

    Returns a list of row names, where those rows contain a specified value in a certain column
    Syntax RowLabelsForCol (table, col, value, match)
    Inputs Table is required, and is the lookup table to be used. If value is found anywhere down col, the names of the corresponding rows will be returned. Match is an optional Yes/No value and if set to No, will return all rows which contain a cell not equal to value in col
    Outputs A string of all the matched row names joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Notes Value is optional - if it is omitted, all rows which do not have an empty value in col will be returned. For detailed explanations and examples on this set of functions, see the Lookup Table tutorial section called Listing Functions
    Examples See the tutorial referred to above for examples
    See Also ColLabelsForRow, RowLabelsForVal, ColLabelsForVal

    Returns a list of row names, where those rows contain specified value in two columns
    Syntax RowLabelsForCol2 (table, col1, value1, match1, col2, value2, match2)
    Inputs Gets the names of the rows where col1 contains value1 and col2 contains value2. Match1 and Match2 are optional Yes/No variables which default to yes. If set to no, it instead searches for where the columns contains any other value (Match1 affects col1 and value1, Match2 affects col2 and value2)
    Outputs A string of all the matched row names joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Notes Value1 and Value2 are optional - if they are omitted, the column names returned will be any columns with non-empty fields for col1 and col2. For detailed explanations and examples on this set of functions, see the Lookup Table tutorial section called Listing Functions
    Examples See the tutorial referred to above for examples

    Returns a list of row names, where those rows contain a specified value
    Syntax RowLabelsForVal (table, value, match)
    Inputs Table is required, and is the lookup table to be used. If value is found in a particular row, the name of that row will be added to the result list. Match is an optional Yes/No value and if set to No, will return all rows which contain a cell not equal to value
    Outputs A string of all the matched row names joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Notes Value is optional - if it is omitted, all rows which are not completely empty will be returned. For detailed explanations and examples on this set of functions, see the Lookup Table tutorial section called Listing Functions
    Examples See the tutorial referred to above for examples
    See Also ColLabelsForVal, RowLabelsForCol, ColLabelsForRow

    Returns a list of all the values in a specific row of a lookup table
    Syntax RowValues (table, name)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. The row to return the values from is specified by its row heading, name
    Outputs A string of all the values joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Notes If a row with a heading equal to (or more than) name can't be found, #N/A is returned
    Examples RowValues ("sample", "1.6m") = "$72.90|$102.20|$149.40|$198.60"
    See Also RowValuesByIndex, LookupRow, LookupRowMap, ColValues

    Returns a list of all the values in a specific row of a lookup table
    Syntax RowValues (table, index)
    Inputs Table is the name of the lookup table involved. The row to return the values from is specified by its row number, index
    Outputs A string of all the values joined together, separated by | (pipe)
    Notes If index is out of range, #N/A is returned
    Examples RowValuesByIndex ("sample", 2) = "$51.00|$72.10|$118.80|$163.20"
    See Also ColValuesByIndex, RowValues

    Returns a list of values from a row, where another row in the same column contains specified values.
    Syntax RowValuesFilterByRow2 (table, row1, row2, val2)
    Inputs Finds the group of columns where row2 contains val2 and gets the values in row1.
    Outputs A string of all the row1 values from the columns that matched the criteria separated by | (pipe)
    Notes For detailed explanations and examples on this set of functions, see the Lookup Table tutorial section called Listing Functions
    Examples See the tutorial referred to above for examples

    Launch table editor
    Syntax TableEditor (filestub)
    Inputs filestub launches table editor for filestub.qlt and default folder Tablefolder
    See Also FormEditor

    Update [Action Only]
    Changes the value of a cell in a lookup table, specified by either the names or indexes of its row and column
    Syntax Update QLT table Set Cell = newValue Where Row = rowLabel And Col = colLabel or
    Update QLT table Set Cell = newValue Where RowIndex = rowNum And ColIndex = colNum
    Inputs Table is the lookup table to update. RowLabel, colLabel are the names of the cell's row and column; rowNum, colNum are their indexes. If the cell exists, its value is changed to newValue
    Outputs Returns #N/A if the exact row and column cannot be found
    Notes This function only changes the values of existing cells - no new rows or columns are created. The Update statement must also be inside a transaction. Read the tutorial on Transactions for details
    Examples Update QLT "sample" Set Cell = $154.90 Where Row = 1.6m And Col = 95mm
    See Also BeginTrans, CommitTrans, Rollback