CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Text Functions
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    The text functions allow you to manipulate text strings in various ways, such as conversions to other data types, formatting and searching. Note that to quickly concatenate (join) two or more strings, you can use the + (plus) or & (ampersand) Operators. See the document on Data Types for information on how strings are converted to numbers (and vice-versa) as required automatically.

    Returns the ASCII code for a specified character
    Syntax Asc (char)
    Inputs Char is a string with a single character in it. If it has more than one, the first character is used
    Notes Code and this function is the exact opposite of Char
    Examples Asc ("Q") = 81
    See Also Char

    Returns the character with the specified ASCII code
    Syntax Char (code)
    Inputs Code is an ASCII code between 0 and 255. If code is more than 255, code mod 256 is used
    Notes Chr and this function is the exact opposite of Asc
    Examples Char (81) = "Q"
    See Also Asc

    Joins two or more strings together and returns the resulting string
    Syntax Concatenate (string1, string2, ...)
    Inputs String1, string2, ... are the strings (or any expressions that evaluate to strings) to be joined, you can provide several
    Notes A simpler way to concatenate strings is to use the & (ampersand) or + (plus) operators, eg "string1" & "string2"
    Examples Concatenate ("built", " using ", "concatenate") = "built using concatenate"

    Returns an expression formatted as a dollar amount
    Syntax Dollar (val)
    Inputs Val is any numerical value
    Examples Dollar (5 * 3) = $15.00
    See Also DollarNoUnit

    Returns an expression formatted as a dollar amount without the $ (dollar sign)
    Syntax DollarNoUnit (val)
    Inputs Val is any numerical value
    Examples DollarNoUnit ("3 + 2") = 5.00
    See Also Dollar

    Compares two values as strings
    Syntax Exact (string1, string2)
    Inputs String1, string2 are the two text strings to compare
    Outputs Returns Yes if both values are exactly the same, No otherwise
    Notes This function is case sensitive
    Examples Exact ("a string", "A String") = No

    Extracts a particular substring from a separated string
    Syntax Field (string, index, separator)
    Inputs String is a list of strings separated by a certain character. Index is the position of the desired substring within string. separator is optional, and is a single character which separates the substrings. The default is | (pipe)
    Notes If index is out of range, an empty string is returned
    Examples Field ("red|green|blue", 2) = "green"
    Field ("$34.20;45mm;340mm;2.5hr", 3, ";") = 340mm
    See Also FieldCount

    Calculates the number of fields in a separated string
    Syntax FieldCount (string, separator)
    Inputs String is a list of strings separated by a certain character, separator. If separator is omitted, the default of | (pipe) is used
    Notes If separator is not found in string, the result is 1 (unless string is empty)
    Examples FieldCount ("red|green|blue") = 3
    FieldCount ("$34.20;45mm;340mm;2.5hr", ";") = 4
    See Also Field

    Locates a specified substring within a given string
    Syntax Find (target, source, start)
    Inputs Target is a string which is looked for within the source string. If the optional parameter start is provided, the function will start looking at that position
    Outputs The position in source where target was found, or 0 if it is not found
    Notes Find is case-sensitive
    Examples Find ("is", "This is a string") = 3
    Find ("is", "This is a string", 4) = 6
    See Also InStr, Search

    Searches a string for one of a set of characters
    Syntax FindOneOf (chars, source, start)
    Inputs Chars is a list of characters as a string, which is looked for within the source string. If the optional parameter start is provided, the function will start looking at that position
    Outputs The position in source where one of the characters in chars was found, or 0 if none of them are found
    Examples FindOneOf ("rh", "This is a string") = 2
    FindOneOf ("rh", "This is a string", 5) = 13

    Locates a specified substring within a given string
    Syntax InStr (start, source, target)
    Inputs Target is a string which is looked for within the source string. If the optional parameter start is provided, the function will start looking at that position
    Outputs The position in source where target was found, or 0 if it is not found
    Notes This function operates exactly the same as Find, except with the parameters in a different order
    Examples InStr ("This is a string", "is") = 3
    InStr (4, "This is a string", "is") = 6
    See Also Find, Search

    Converts a given string to lower case
    Syntax LCase (string)
    Inputs String is what needs to be converted to lower case
    Notes Lower has the same functionality. Any characters that are not upper-case letters are not affected
    Examples LCase ("This Is A String") = "this is a string"
    See Also UCase, LowerNoCvt, UpperNoCvt

    Returns a certain number of characters from the start of a string
    Syntax Left (string, count)
    Inputs String is what to get the left hand characters of. Count is optional, and determines how many characters to return (default is 1)
    Notes If count is more than the length of string, the whole string is returned
    Examples Left ("This is a string") = "T"
    Left ("This is a string", 6) = "This i"
    See Also Mid, Right

    Returns the length of a string
    Syntax Len (string)
    Inputs String is what to find the length of
    Notes The result includes spaces and all other characters
    Examples Len ("This is a string") = 16
    Len (Empty) = 0

    Converts a specific value to a length in the current units
    Syntax Length (value, precision)
    Inputs Value is any expression which gives a numerical result. Precision is optional, and is the number of decimal places (if positive) or the largest denominator to use (if negative)
    Outputs The unit used on the returned value is that specified on the File Options dialog
    Notes If precision is included and is not negative, the result is rounded to that number of decimal places. Otherwise, the result is written with fractions, with precision as the largest denominator. See the examples for a demonstration. To find the length of a string, use the Len function instead
    Examples Assuming default units is set to mm:
    Length (4' + 8") = 1422.4mm
    Length (63mm, 3) = 63.000mm
    Length (4.128mm, -8) = 4 1/8mm
    See Also LengthNoUnit

    This is the same as the Length function but the units text is not added
    Syntax LengthNoUnit (value, precision)
    Inputs Value is any expression which gives a numerical result. Precision is optional, and is the number of decimal places (if positive) or the largest denominator to use (if negative)
    Notes See the notes on Length for information about precision
    Examples Assuming default units is set to mm:
    LengthNoUnit (4' + 8") = 1422.4
    LengthNoUnit (87.321cm, -9) = 873 2/9
    See Also Length

    Converts a given string to lower case
    Syntax LowerNoCvt (string)
    Inputs String is what needs to be converted to lower case
    Notes Any value which is not a string (Such as a measurement) will not be effected. See the list of Data Types.

    Any characters that are not upper-case letters are not affected.
    Examples LowerNoCvt ("This Is A String") = "this is a string"
    See Also UpperNoCvt, LCase, UCase

    Removes all the white space from the start of a specified string
    Syntax LTrim (text)
    Inputs Text is the string to strip the white space from
    Examples LTrim ("    string with spaces    ") = "string with spaces    "
    See Also RTrim, Trim

    Returns a certain number of characters from the middle of a string
    Syntax Mid (string, start, count)
    Inputs String is what to extract the substring from. Start is the position in the string where the substring begins. Count is optional, and determines how many characters to return. If it is omitted, the substring from start to the end of string is returned
    Examples Mid ("This is a string", 6, 8) = "is a str"
    Mid ("This is a string", 13) = "ring"
    See Also Left, Right

    Inserts a new string in place of a specified substring
    Syntax Replace (string, start, count, newStr)
    Inputs String, start and count operate in exactly the same way as with the Mid function, and are used to specify the substring to be replaced. NewStr is the text that will be inserted in the place of the substring
    Outputs Returns a copy of the whole input string, except with a section of it replaced by newStr
    Notes As opposed to the third parameter in the Mid function, count is not optional. The length of newStr does not have to be equal to count, which means you could for example replace several characters with only one
    Examples Replace ("This is a string", 9, 1, "one example ") = "This is one example string")
    See Also Substitute

    Repeats a string a specified number of times
    Syntax Rept (string, count)
    Inputs String is what will be repeated count times
    Examples Rept ("Xo", 4) = "XoXoXoXo"

    Returns a certain number of characters from the end of a string
    Syntax Right (string, count)
    Inputs String is what to get the right hand characters of. Count is optional, and determines how many characters to return (default is 1)
    Notes If count is more than the length of string, the whole string is returned
    Examples Right ("This is a string") = "g"
    Right ("This is a string", 5) = "tring"
    See Also Left, Mid

    Removes all the white space from the end of a specified string
    Syntax RTrim (text)
    Inputs Text is the string to strip the white space from
    Examples RTrim ("    string with spaces    ") = "    string with spaces"
    See Also LTrim, Trim

    Locates a specified substring within a given string
    Syntax Search (target, source, start)
    Inputs Target is a string which is looked for within the source string. If the optional parameter start is provided, the function will start looking at that position
    Outputs The position in source where target was found, or 0 if it is not found
    Notes Search is exactly the same as the Find function, except that it is case-insensitive (it doesn't distinguish between upper and lower case letters)
    Examples Search ("IS", "This is a string") = 3
    Search ("Is", "This is a string", 4) = 6
    See Also Find, InStr

    Converts a string of separated items into an array
    Syntax StringToArray (string, separator)
    Inputs String is a list of elements separated by a certain character or set of characters. Separator is optional, and is the string found between the elements. The default is "|" (the pipe character)
    Notes This function is effectively the opposite of ArrayToString
    Examples StringToArray ("$3.40 260mm $1.90", " ") = ["$3.40","260mm","$1.90"]
    See Also ArrayToString

    Replaces all occurrences of a substring with a specified string
    Syntax Substitute (string, oldStr, newStr, count)
    Inputs String is what to make the substitutions to. It is searched for all occurrences of oldStr which are replaced by newStr. Count is optional, and is the maximum number of replacements to make
    Outputs Returns a copy of the whole input string, with newStr substituted for any occurrences of oldStr
    Notes This function can be used for simple variable replacement in strings, as illustrated in the example. It is case-sensitive
    Examples Substitute ("Hello $name$", "$name$", "Joe") = "Hello Joe"
    See Also Replace

    Explicitly converts any value to a text string
    Syntax Text (value)
    Inputs Value is a variable of any type
    Outputs Converts values to the base unit, see TextNoUnit for details
    Notes Values are usually converted to strings automatically as required. A situation where the Text function would be useful is when joining variables of unknown type as strings
    Examples If X = 5 and Y = 3, then X + Y = 8, but Text (X) + Text (Y) = "53"
    See Also TextNoUnit

    Converts a variable of any type to a string, but does not include any units
    Syntax TextNoUnit (value)
    Inputs Value is a variable of any type
    Outputs Values are converted to the base measurement first, eg all times convert to minutes, prices to dollars, and any length to your specified Length Units
    Notes See the notes on the Text function
    Examples TextNoUnit (75 cents) = 0.75
    TextNoUnit (1.5 hours) = 90
    See Also Text

    Removes all the white space from the start and end of a specified string
    Syntax Trim (text)
    Inputs Text is the string to strip the white space from
    Examples Trim ("    string with spaces    ") = "string with spaces"
    See Also LTrim, RTrim

    Converts a given string to upper case
    Syntax UCase (string)
    Inputs String is what needs to be converted to upper case
    Notes Upper has the same functionality. Any characters that are not lower-case letters are not affected
    Examples UCase ("This Is A String") = "THIS IS A STRING"
    See Also LCase, UpperNoCvt, LowerNoCvt

    Converts a given string to upper case
    Syntax UpperNoCvt (string)
    Inputs String is what needs to be converted to upper case
    Notes Any value which is not a string (Such as a measurement) will not be effected. See the list of Data Types.

    Any characters that are not lower-case letters are not affected.
    Examples UpperNoCvt ("This Is A String") = "THIS IS A STRING"
    UpperNoCvt ("15mm") = "15mm"
    See Also UpperNoCvt, LCase, UCase

    Converts a string into a numerical value
    Syntax Value (text)
    Inputs Text is a string that contains a number
    Outputs Values are converted to a base unit, see TextNoUnit for details
    Notes If the string contains any text apart from units (eg "dollars") an error occurs
    Examples Value ("0.5 hours") = 30.00mn
    Value ("30 cents plus $4") = $4.30