In This Topic
The following options are located in the Options section of the registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AllMasterSoftware\CabMasterProv10\Options). Most values in this section are controlled by
File > Options, but there are a few extra ones described here:
- DXTasXML: If set to 1, makes the DXF files to be output in XML rather than CSV format. If the DWORD 'DXTasXML' entry does not exist, then it can be added to the 'Options'. However, if not present the default assumes XML output. See also INFO function
- DXTAsXMLVerbose: If set to 1, reports to the UserTrace log on all layer mappings while creating DXFs, noting the details of any errors during this mapping also (eg no LayerOverrideLayerOVerride and no default).
- ElevationsWireframe [default=1]: will continue to have wireframe elevations by default. If you want to make elevations hidden view, set this to 0.
- FormulaProfiling: When set to a non-zero value, this tracks the total call count and evaluation time for each formula passed through QEvaluator. This information is then written to a new file in the Logs folder when the application exits.
- MaxDonorOffset: Donor steps can affect neighbouring items. Specify this (in tenths of a mm) to determine distance to neighbours to be monitored for changes. Default is 100 (=10mm). Do not make too big or this will adversely affect performance.
- PageSizeA4: When set to 1 this stops the printer driver query for default page size and size A4 is assumed to be present. Some printer drivers have known issues with the driver papersize query, so this provides a workaround for those drivers. [For example some versions of the Microsoft Postscript Driver actually crash the app when queried.]
- PageSizeX: Use this instead of PageSizeA4 when you want to force a specific paper size but it isn't A4. Set PageSizeX and PageSizeY to the size in mm.
- PageSizeY: Use this instead of PageSizeA4 when you want to force a specific paper size but it isn't A4. Set PageSizeX and PageSizeY to the size in mm.
- PageSizeAlwaysAuto: Some drivers (in particular PSCRIPT5.DLL) will be detected and lead to a prompt which then automatically sets up PageSizeA4,X,Y. Provided app is not being crashed by a rogue printer driver, set this to 1 to force the automatic querying of the driver for pagesize to always take place.
- RecalcChunkSize: Reduce memory stress when exporting pictures and recalcing libraries by changing the value of this. Set to zero (0) for best performance when there is plenty of memory.
- ReportSize: Set this = dword:00000001 to force memory usage for current selection to go to error log for diagnostics. If there is no current selection, report on whole document, and also report memory usage for all currently loaded libraries.
- SuppressGroupBoxDisables: Turns off feature where a disabled groupbox disables all controls within it.
- UseCompareNoCase [default=true]: Uses case-sensitive comparison of two strings.
- VerboseOLE: Set this to true to debug plugins. Messages are generated during the interaction with the plugin to show variables being transferred and so on.