CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Qiq File Format
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    File Structure

    A qiq file is a tab separated text file which contains all of the information to specify the appearance and behaviour of the friendly page being presented. There are three different types of line in a QLT file which form a hierarchy.

    Qiq Qlt PairNB: This information is for advanced users, with Developer Addon, who wish to modify the QIQ files manually.

    See also: Creating your own QIQ/QLT pair.


    A group is a collection of tabs. In CabMasterPro it is simply a category, but in Form Editor each Group can effect a different QLT from the others. The line in the file for this is:

    [group] <Group name> <EnableFormula> <EnableLCMFormula> <Type> <RowLocked> <DefaultQLT>


    A tab is a collection of Fields. In both CabMasterPro and Form Editor tabs are simply used as a way to categorise information to make it easier for the user to view/edit it. Each tab is a single page of fields which can view/modify the data in the QLT which is associated with it's group. The line in the file for this is:

    [tab] <Tab name>

    The tab name is simply the text which appears on the tab. There is no other information required in this line.

    Qiq File Format Eg


    A field line is a single control within a tab, such as a text box or a label. These lines are the most complicated and are in the format:Public Enum QIQCOLS <QLT Field;> <Label> <Input Type> <Control Type> <List Style> <List Answer> <Formula> <Extra> <Question Width> <Answer Width> <Action> <Style> <Tooltip> <Default>

    See Also