CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Sections 3D Transform Formula Reference
    In This Topic
    ContainerWithinFaceSectionIsMarkedPresentPreOffsetFactorPreOffsetXPreOffsetYPreOffsetZRotationFactorRotationAngleIsRotationClockwiseAxisPosition1AxisX1AxisY1AxisZ1AxisPosition2AxisX2AxisY2AxisZ2PostOffsetFactorPostOffsetXPostOffsetYPostOffsetZCategoryPartNoDescPartNameLibrarySizesSectionsSize and PositionImportsAppearanceLine and FillFacesModelComponentsMachiningAll AnswersAdvanced Donor AcceptorSection 3D Transform

    Any controls on this page which can be accessed with a formula are marked with a reference number.

    To view the formula name, hover your mouse over the control or click on  to look up the reference in the table below.

    To find out what this property page is used for, see the Section 3D Transform page under Cabinet Properties.

    Ref Variable Name
    1 Container or Within
    2 WithinFace
    3 Section (see Note 1 below)
    4 IsMarkedPresent or MarkedPresent
    5 PreOffsetFactor
    6 PreOffsetX
    7 PreOffsetY
    8 PreOffsetZ
    9 RotationFactor
    10 RotationAngle
    11 IsRotationClockwise
    12 AxisPosition1
    13 AxisX1
    14 AxisY1
    15 AxisZ1
    16 AxisPosition2
    17 AxisX2
    18 AxisY2
    19 AxisZ2
    20 PostOffsetFactor
    21 PostOffsetX
    22 PostOffsetY
    23 PostOffsetZ
    24 Category
    25 PartNo
    26 Desc or Comment
    27 PartName

    Note 1


    If you are evaluating formulas inside Section and you use the variable name it will evaluate there to the Section name, giving the same answer as Section in that context. This also applies to...

    For example, if you are in a child context such as in a machine step within a component, then Name will evaluate to the name of the machine step. But since you are a child of the component, you can still use Component to get the name of the component you are within.


    AxisFace1 and AxisFace2

    AxisFace - only one face is settable.



    These two combos are in a group called Fold and the drop list menus have the following options:-

    The values are as follows for None, P1, P2, Width, Rectangle.