CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Creating and Editing Capping Profiles : Developer
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    Capping profiles are stored in QPF files. These are simple text files with each line containing an x,y coordinate for a point. The x and y values are tab separated. The sequence of lines traces around a shape which is nominally in a square from (0,0) to (1,1). Always trace around the shape counter clockwise, or the 3D will be "inside out".

    The actual sequence can go outside this square or wherever it likes. But the unit square is the reference area that is stretched or moved to where it is being applied to generate the actual capping shape in CabMasterPro.

    The easiest way to edit capping profiles (QPF files) is to export to an HPanel, edit the HPanel, then import back into a QPF. This lets you use all the HPanel drawing tools - snapping, exact measurement, dragging points around to change a profile, adding or deleting points, filleting corners and so on.

    To go from a QPF to an HPanel, you right click on the Preview button in the capping tool and it prompts you, asking if you want to convert it to an HPanel. This creates an HPanel at 0,0 in the current drawing. Note that the unit square from (0,0) to (1,1) is scaled to an HPanel of size 1000mm x 1000mm for ease of working.

    Start with an empty drawing, double click on the capping tool, select a profile, then right click on its preview picture. This prompts you to confirm that you want it converted to a HPanel for editing, select yes and proceed to edit:

    Capping Tutorial 1

    To go the other way, from an HPanel to a QPF, you right click on the HPanel and select "Export to Profile QPF...". Then enter the filename.

    Note that the export QPF function automatically scales the HPanel by dividing by 1000mm. It also ensures it is traversed in counterclockwise order. That is, if you draw it in clockwise order, it is automatically reversed so the QPF file is always counterclockwise as required.

    Hints for creating QPF's

    See Also