CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Built In Variables
    In This Topic
    Built-in variables are variables which are set by CabMasterPro which contain useful information from the current state.

    Name Value Possible Uses
    # The last number which appears in the name of the current section. Simplifying formulas which are for numbered sections.

    The Machinestep Sequences tutorial uses this built-in variable.
    @ The last number which appears in the name of the parent of the current section.
    _DrillPolyShape System Variable

    When machining is being exported, drill holes in any specified layername can be replaced by polyline sequences. This swapping out is determined by evalutating the variable named _DrillPolyShape[layername] in the current context or any parent context (such as drawing properties). This substitution is available for any layername you provide (such as _DrillPolyShape[peanut]).

    See the discussion on Peanut Connectors

    EdgeIndex Index of currently selected Wall Edge

    When setting up wall heights and textures, the EdgeIndex combo is used to select an edge of the wall.

    This variable allows you to write formulas that use the selected EdgeIndex to calculate other properties of that wall edge.


    This sample drawing uses the EdgeIndex to adjust the wall heights and also to adjust the repeat count of the texture selected for that wall edge.

    The first edge of the wall has EdgeIndex = 1 and the formula for the wall start height is therefore 1200mm + (1 * 400mm). The second vertex which is the start of wall EdgeIndex=2 has a start height of 1200mm + (2 * 400mm). This vertex also is the end of 'Wall Edge 1' so wall edge 1 goes from 1600mm height as its start to 2000mm height at its end.

    Click to view Formula

    Click to view Formula


    The number of edges for this wall or polyitem.

    The number of vertices (edge start or endpoints) for this wall or polyitem, which is always one more than the NumberOfEdges.
    See tutorial on Wall and PolyItem Edges.
    TotalLength Sum of the lengths of item parts CappingItems and WallItems have multiple parts. For example a wall has multiple wall segments - the variable TotalLength returns the sum of the lengths of all the segments. For HPanelItems it adds up the edge lengths, taking into account whether it is an open or closed poly.

    The Creating and Editing Capping tutorial discusses this built-in variable for capping.
    Context variables

    Generates an array and can be used to populate a friendly page combo used to select a part.

    See the discussion on Friendly Part List

    Evaluate actual string (usually English) Used to always evaluate the actual (usually English) string that is used in the underlying library for Type, Subtype, Code and BasedOnCode fields.

    For example, the Type might evaluate to "Floor". If we are running with an active translation file, however, this word might be translated into another language. For example, if we are running in Spanish, the user would see "Piso" instead of "Floor".

    If you want to know the current translated string for type, you can evaluate the builtin variable "TranslatedType". In this case, type would return the string "Floor" whereas "TranslatedType" would return the string "Piso".

    See also [F10] Language