CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Library Interaction
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    SizesSizesSectionsFacesModelComponentsMachiningAll AnswersAdvanced Donor Acceptor TutorialsFormulaTypeSub TypeCodeDescriptionLibrary

    For quick links to more information, click on the controls or another category/page.

    To find out the property names for these controls, see the Library Interaction page under the Formula Reference.



    For objects, the Type box should be used for describing which class of item the object is, such "HPanel", "Wall", "Text Box", etc.

    For cabinets, the type is typically the class of cabinet, such as "Floor", "Tall", and so on.

    See Built in Variables - TranslatedType.

    Example : 4 way Cabinet Selection on Home tab

    Sub Type Droplist


    The extra field alongside Type is Sub Type and is just a qualifier/category that can be used. It gets used primarily in picker category trees and also the 4-way selector drop lists on the Home tab, shown above.

    Example of use of controls in Library Catalog Manager

    Sub Type

    See Built in Variables - TranslatedSubType.


    The Code text box is the name of the particular object, and is usually used for cabinets.

    In the sample library, the Code field is controlled by formula for most cabinets, and is derived from the first character of their Type, combined with their width. So a 300mm wide Floor cabinet becomes F-300. This also means that when you resize the cabinet the name will change to reflect the new width.

    See Built in Variables - TranslatedCode and TranslatedBasedOnCode.


    The Description text box is for a more explanatory name for the object, and is again usually used for cabinets. This can contain anything you like, and can be controlled by formula and used on reports.


    This applies when there is a catalog item that is based on some item in the library.

    See Built in Variables - TranslatedCode and TranslatedBasedOnCode.

    Donor/Acceptor Machining

    Allow donation of steps to other items

    Turn on/off

    See discussion on Donor Face (Machining > Machine Step page).

    Allow acceptance of steps from other items

    Using the middleware function "Acceptor", we can control properties of donor machine steps. For example, if we are donating holes from a shelf to an end panel, the thickness of the panel may have an impact on the size and position of the holes we drill. Alternatively, if we are using a tongue join, we can control whether the shelf is machined with a tongue if it meets a panel.

    For a basic introduction to donor/acceptors see Donor Machine Steps tutorial.

    See Also