CabMasterPro User Guide
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    In This Topic
    Library ListCabinet ListLibrary ToolsImportLibrary ControlsLibrary ControlsList ControlsCabinet ToolsSizesSizesSectionsFacesModelComponentsMachiningAll AnswersAdvanced Donor Acceptor TutorialsFormulaTypeSub TypeCodeDescriptionLibrary

    For quick links to more information, click on the controls or another category/page.

    To find out the property names for these controls, see the Library page under the Formula Reference.

    Library List

    The drop list contains all the libraries available in your Library folder, including those in any sub-folders.

    Click to Expand

    Click to Expand

    The name visible in the box is the currently loaded library e.g. CM-Cabinets. To load a different library, select its name from the list.

    If you have made any changes to the current library, you will be asked to save them and then the new library will be loaded immediately.

    Library Tools

    The four library  tools are in order:

    Cabinet List

    This area lists all the cabinets in the current library.

    Cabinet list in Minimal mode - Click to view Detailed mode

    Cabinet list in Minimal mode - Click to view Detailed mode

    It allows you to see at a glance some of the details on each cabinet such as type, code, description and basic dimensions. When the list is in detailed mode you can sort it by any field by clicking the appropriate column header. If you are currently viewing the Cabinet Tool Properties (as opposed to the properties of a placed cabinet), you can load a cabinet from the library by double-clicking its name in the list.

    List Controls

    These two buttons switch the list between Minimal  and Detailed modes. In minimal mode you can only see the cabinet names, and can be useful when there are many cabinets. However, the detailed list shows much more information on each cabinet and is the one that is most often used.

    Cabinets Tool

    The New button clears the Cabinets Tool so you can start creating a new cabinet.

    This button only works when you are editing the Cabinets Tool (not a placed cabinet) and appears to do nothing when you click it as it does not add a new entry to the cabinet list.

    Once you have set up your new cabinet, you can add it to the library by clicking the "Add" library control button which is only presented when editing.

    Since you usually will not want to create a new cabinet completely from scratch, it is often easier to load an existing cabinet then modify it and save it with a new name.

    If you are want to update a library (especially if protected), create a new library of your own using the 'New' button, then use Select into Cabinet Tool and add any changed cabinets to that library and save it.

    Example: Create a new cabinet 


    The Import/Export controls are very similar to the ASCII Import and Export commands on the File menu, except these operate on the selected library instead of the current drawing. The buttons are "Full" (Full Export) and "Min" (Minimal Export). These work in exactly the same way as the drawing import/export commands, so see the article linked to above for more information.

    Library Controls

    The buttons at the bottom of this page are: