CabMasterPro User Guide
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    In This Topic

    The Select command button is available on most ribbon tabs.

    Exceptions: Machine View i.e. the Machining Current and Machining Combined tabs.

    Select  Select

    When 'Select' is turned ON, it changes to the Select tool, which allows you to highlight objects by...

    Any objects inside or touching the box will become selected.

    This works in both Plan and 3D View but to select in 3D you will need to hold down the Ctrl key.

    Select into Tool

    The Select Into Tool option is accessed via an Item Menu and is used when you have formatted a cabinet in the drawing and want to place another cabinet with the same characteristics. If you have placed other cabinets in between the customisation of a cabinet, the changes will be lost.

    You can also copy the data, for any item in the drawing, into the drawing tool for that item. From there you can either edit and re-insert a new copy into the drawing, or add it to the library (for a cabinet), or save it as ToolData (for other tools).

    You can also use the Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl+D to create a Duplicate of the selected item.

    The new copy will usually be in exactly the same position as the original, so you may have to move one to see both copies.

    Multi Select

    There is the ability to select one or more (multiple) cabinets/items at the same time.

    This method can be used to select and move cabinets/items or machining e.g. drill holes. This works in both Plan and in 3D View (hold down Ctrl to select).

    You also use in conjunction with the copy/paste commands to enable faster reproduction of previously drawn cabinets and items, as discussed here to illustrate the Multi Select feature.

    See Also