In This Topic
    Format Cabinet or Item
    In This Topic

    You can customise cabinets/items (including drawing tools) after or before placement. The actual property sheets discussed here are almost identical, except that...

    It is recommended, that if you are editing a cabinet's overall dimension, do this before placement. Otherwise it is a matter of personal choice.

    Format Item AFTER Placement

    The Format property sheet has a light grey background and shows the properties for a placed cabinet/item.

    Select the cabinet/item on the Drawing (or List) by...

    Cabinet Format

    This also works on placed objects such as 3D Models, Walls, Capping etc. The menu option description will be displayed as 'Format...' or as applicable to selected item.

    Format Item BEFORE Placement

    The Format Tool property sheet has a blue background and shows the properties of the cabinet you are about to add to a drawing or to a list.

    This is called a Drawing Tool which are just like a staging areas where items are prepared for addition to a drawing or list. When you select a cabinet from a library, all the data for that cabinet/item is placed into the Cabinet Tool. Then, provided the Cabinet Tool is active (command button depressed) when you click on the drawing (or list), the cabinet described by the current Cabinet Tool data is inserted at the point on the drawing where you have clicked (or in the list).

    Select the cabinet/item using any of the Cabinet Filters and then...

    Click to view right click menu

    Click to view right click menu

    The cabinet information button  for a Cabinet Tool does not have an ID number i.e. Floor 1 Drawer (0)