CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    List View
    In This Topic

    This is a listing of all the items currently on the drawing. In this view, library items such as cabinets can be added which have no visual representation in the plan, and also items which do not represent any physical items can also be added which allow pricing information to be added which is independent of any specific cabinet. All items added up here, even if they are not visible in the plan view, will be included in reports and exported information about the drawing.

    In List View all you need to do is select the basic cabinet type and change properties for each cabinet as required. It is important, however, to understand that in "List View" you are setting up a job and amending cabinets for the current job only.

    List View CabMasterPro

    Add From Library

    1. On the Home tab, select your library and a Cabinet.
    2. Customise Cabinet by either pressing the Keyboard Shortcut F12 or the Cabinet Tool command button. The Preview Pane displays and allows rotation of the Cabinet to enable you to clearly see the effect of any option changes you make. It even has its own status bar which displays information about the currently selected machine step.
    3. On completing your required amendments, pressing F12 again or clicking Add from Library'command button will add your cabinet to your list. The property sheet will remain open to allow you to amend and add further cabinets.
    4. When you have completed your cabinet list, simply press the Keyboard Shortcut F8 and your cabinet details will be exported to your machining software.

    Add Extra Item

    You can manually add items such as Freight, Installation costs etc by clicking on the Add Extra Item button.

    The Cost and Sell prices can also be manually entered. For more on Pricing see CM-Cabinets Library User.

    Calculate Prices

    As items are added, you may see ? (question marks) in the Cost, Sell and Extended Pricing fields. Pressing the Calculate Prices button will evaluate and provide a Total (Sell) Price.

    Cabinet ID

    The ID in List View is useful for reporting purposes and corresponds to the cabinet Label ID displayed in brackets i.e. 002 is Floor 2 Door (2).

    The Use ID check box  can be used, when there is an active multi selection, to change all selected items together.


    The ID numbers are provided in List View irrespective if they are selected to show on the drawing, as shown above.

    See Also