CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Sections Import
    In This Topic
    LibrarySizesSectionsSection Size and PosSection ImportsSection 3D TransformSection AppearanceSection Line and FillFacesModelComponentsMachiningAll AnswersAdvanced Donor Acceptor TutorialsCommon ControlsSection ListGo To ParentUnlockPresent FlagContainerWithin FaceCommon ControlsImport SpecsImport DescriptionResize To FitSections ImportImport Into FaceSection Imports

    For quick links to more information, click on the controls or another category/page.

    To find out the property names for these controls, see the Sections Import page under Formula Reference.

    Import Specs

    These are the main controls on the Sections > Import page as they are used to specify the section for importing.

    You should set each list box in order as changing the value in one affects the contents of the lists below it. For example...

    Copies control example

    Each shelf has a section level property called "shelfname" which can be edited by the user and any changes will be preserved when doing an F5 refresh of the drawing.

    When you import a cabinet into a section, any sub-sections (including previous imports) in the importing section will be cleared. In other words, when a cabinet has an import it cannot contain any other sections.

    Importing a cabinet also causes all the sections in that cabinet to be automatically renamed. If a cabinet contained three sections called "carcass", "bench" and "door" and you imported this into a section called "mysection" the imported sections would be renamed to "mysection_carcass", "mysection_bench" and "mysection_door". This helps prevent problems with non-unique section names, but may cause issues with formulas that refer to hard coded section names.

    Import Description 

    When this box is checked, the Category, Part Number and Description of the importing section will be set to those of the imported cabinet.

    Since cabinets do not have a Part Number field, the Code is used. This works well for parts sub-libraries, where the name of the "cabinet" is typically a part code anyway. The three fields are only set when you import an object - you are still free to edit them afterwards.

    Any formulas controlling the Category, Code or Description of an imported cabinet are not copied.

    Resize to Fit 

    Normally when a cabinet is imported into a section, the sizes of the cabinet are changed to match the sizes of its new container section. This works fine for panels and doors, etc, because they can be resized to fit. However, when importing objects that cannot be resized like a microwave, we can use the "Resize section to fit import" flag. This reverses the normal process and changes the sizes of the section to match those of the imported object.

    When you import an object with this box ticked, any fixed dimensions of the importing section are set to the nominal dimensions of the imported object. This means that before importing something when you have the "Resize" flag turned on, you should set the Sizing Method on the Sections > Size & Pos page to include a fixed depth. If a section resizes with its container, then there is no way for CabMasterPro to know how to shrink or enlarge the section to fit its import.

    If the importing section is panelled, then the thickness of the face to import into is set to the depth of the imported object. When you import into a face of a non-panelled section, the appropriate dimension is set to the depth of the import.
    Any formulas controlling the dimensions of an imported object are also copied.

    Part Edited 

    When you have a cabinet on view, the breadcrumb gives you the ability to select the cabinet and go into the item view and also to select the part. Because there are so many sections in a cabinet, when we are selecting the parts, we want to use friendly part names and not (by default) have 3 times the amount on display.

    If we select one of them using the breadcrumb, for example "End Left" as shown below, the Part Name is filled in as "End Left" (as per breadcrumb).

    At this point, the "Part is edited" flag is unchecked (turned off).

    Example of Part selected from breadcrumb

    Now if we click to Select and hold down Ctrl (to unlock) and drag it, as shown in the example below, we are able to move the part.

    When we move it, it retains its import specification but there is now an edit override being stored with the part and the “Part is edited” flag will automatically be checked (turned on) to reflect this.

    Example of Part moved i.e. edited

    Note that the Clear Import Spec key  icon is enabled (i.e. locked) as the section still retains its import specification.


    If we now uncheck the “Part is edited” flag, you will get a message Revert changes to this section? because unchecking will require the software to re-import. Therefore, if you click 'Yes' to this message, the hole goes back to where it was before we started to edit it.

    Example Part changes reverted

    If you click 'Yes' to this message, the hole which was previously moved will revert to it's original position.

    Import into Face 

    The Face list allows you to import a cabinet into any face of the importing section. It is very similar to the Within Face control, except it sets where the import appears in the section instead of where the section appears within its container section.