CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    User Tracing
    In This Topic

    UserTracing is an advanced feature for various tracking/timing/troubleshooting needs. When looking at the performance of libraries and middleware generally, it can be useful to trace calls to some of the middleware functions, such as those reading files or evaluating table lookups.

    CabMasterPro has the capability to time cabinet placement and other events such as lookups and file reading functions to the nearest millisecond.

    To turn tracing on/off, first make sure that the main window has the focus by clicking on the title bar to ensure that it is active. Next use the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+F11. The system will beep when you turn it on and in a different way when you turn it off so you can toggle it at will.

    When tracing is first turned on, a file called !Trace!.txt will be created in the nominated ProgramFolder. This is a tab-separated file which can be imported into Microsoft Excel to filter, sort and examine.


    The first column is a timestamp to the nearest millisecond. The format of this column is a string with a leading T. This is so when you right click on the file and "Open With" Excel, it does not mess up this column by trying to interpret it. It comes into Excel as a string field, but Excel will sort correctly on it using alpha sorting because it explicitly has leading zeros where necessary.

    The second column is the "context" that the formula was evaluating in. This is usually the name of a cabinet or section or component. Sometimes the context will be empty.

    The third column is the function being executed.

    Following columns are optional. For lookup functions they will usually provide information about what is being looked up. But if it is a formula or type that needs conversion to a string or number, then it may only display the type (eg YesNo). Not all parameters are necessarily displayed, but where they are displayed, they will be the first of the available parameters.

    The trace file (called !Trace!.txt) is opened for write but allows sharing so you can look at it during a test session.

    Output is flushed every minute, and is also flushed whenever you toggle the tracing status with Ctrl+Shift+F11. And it is flushed when you finish running the program of course.

    Mask bits

    The registry options has a key UserTraceMask which controls which events are traced. By default, all events are traced.

    To control multiple features, simply add the numbers corresponding to the features you want. For example, if you want to trace cabinet placements and formula evaluations set UserTraceMask to 4 + 2 = 6.

    These numbers are given in hexadecimal so 8+4=C, not 12.

    Can also use ZShowTimeNever to 1 to suppress timings in debug mode trace output.

    User Tracing Supported

    Introduced v6 and the following were supported at time of writing.
    Feature Parameters
    RELOAD QLT tablename
    BEGINTRANS QLT tablename
    COMMITTRANS QLT tablename
    ROLLBACK QLT tablename
    UPDATE QLT tablename
    CALL filename
    ROWCOUNT vv1
    COLCOUNT vv1
    COLVALUES vv1, vv2
    ROWVALUES vv1, vv2
    COLLABEL vv1, vv2
    ROWLABEL vv1, vv2
    READFILE filename
    READLINE filename
    WRITELINE filename
    APPENDLINE filename
    LOOKUP vv1, vv2, vv3
    LOOKUPEXACT vv1, vv2, vv3
    LOOKUPBYINDEX vv1, vv2, vv3
    COLLABELSFORROW vv1, vv2, vv3
    ROWLABELSFORCOL vv1, vv2, vv3
    COLLABELSFORVAL vv1, vv2, vv3
    ROWLABELSFORVAL vv1, vv2, vv3
    COLLABELSFORROW2 vv1, vv2, vv3
    ROWLABELSFORCOL2 vv1, vv2, vv3
    vv1 vv2 vv3 are just used above to indicate how many parameters are being displayed in the user trace output file.

    See Also