CabMasterPro User Guide
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    File Locations
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    Available from the File menu > Options or use Keyboard Shortcut F10 or the Start Up dialog (Advanced button).

    The File Locations dialog is used to tell your CabMaster Software™ application where it can find the various components it requires which, for normal usage, need not be modified.

    File OptionsDeveloper OptionsFile ImagesSupport ApplicationsAdvanced

    File Locations
    The File Locations dialog is commonly used when developing libraries because it easily allows you to switch between folder trees. It is also useful in a networked environment where most or all of your CabMaster Software™ application data can be in a shared folder on a server. This can be to save space on each workstation, or to make sure each client is using the latest copy of the library for example.

    To change a path, either type in the new location manually or use the Browse button next to the appropriate text box.

    Apply same changes to all folders

    If checked, your CabMaster Software™ application will try to intelligently update all the other program locations when a change is made. It attempts to modify the other paths so that they stay in the same relative location to each other. This is handy when, for example, the entire CabMasterPro folder and subfolders have moved i.e. simply check the box and change the Programs location.

    File Types and Default Location

    Each text box contains a full path (Location) to a part of the CabMasterPro package, as shown in the above example.

    Related files have different extensions pertaining to their File Type.

    Name Default Location File Types
    Data Files CabMasterPro\Data QID (saved drawings)
    Libraries, Catalogs, Images CabMasterPro\Library QIL, QIM, QIZ
    Lookup Tables CabMasterPro\Table QLT
    Pictures, Textures & Style CabMasterPro\Bitmap BMP, GIF, JPG etc
    Report Definitions CabMasterPro\Report RPT
    Templates CabMasterPro\Template QIT
    ToolData CabMasterPro\ToolData QTD
    Backups CabMasterPro\Backup TMP (autosaved drawings)
    Programs (see Tip above) CabMasterPro EXE, QTD, DLLs