CabMasterPro User Guide
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    File Images
    In This Topic

    Available from the File menu > Options or use Keyboard Shortcut F10.

    The Images page options provide the ability to control how the gallery on the Home tab and the Cabinet Picker images are displayed for :-

    File OptionsDeveloper OptionsFile LocationsSupport ApplicationsAdvancedGalleryTooltipShow CaptionsPicker PreviewRegenerate ImagesFile ImagesFile Options_CabMasterPro

    For quick links to more information, click on the options or another category/page.


    The style of the images on the Gallery and the Picker can be customised by using the drop down menu. You can select from the following...

    File Images Style

    See also Generating A 3D Image


    A Cabinet Gallery is provided on the Home tab, from where you can make your cabinet selection. You can specify the Style that is displayed on the Home tab.

    File Images Gallery1


    The Style of the Tooltip can be changed independently. The Tooltip shown is accessed by hovering over the relevant Gallery image.


    Change the colour of the background by using the Colour Select button. The example above shows the Tooltip with a green background.

    Show Captions

    Enabling this option displays the cabinet gallery with the captions added.

    File Images Gallery2

    Picker Preview

    A Cabinet Picker, shown below,is another way you can make a cabinet selection on the Home tab and you can specify the Style of the picture previewed/displayed at the bottom of the picker.

    Regenerate Images

    The distribution base library (.qil) provides all with a preload of some useful palettes. However, you can save your favourite palettes for quick use in the cabinet gallery, and customise using a tree. The checkboxes in the tree are three-state (on, off or partially selected). This lets you select and deselect subtrees of cabinets for your palette. When you save a custom palette as an end user, it saves in the catalog (.qim).

    When you make changes you will need to File Images Regenerate (.qiz) by clicking on the button.

    See also tutorial on how to Add Model's.

    File Images Progressbar

    Please be aware all the images will be re-drawn in your library with the styles selected and this process can take a little bit of time depending on how many cabinets are in your library.

    See Also

    Library Basics and Cabinet Properties
