CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Creates a rectangle with decorative corner features.


    This step is fairly simple, just using the style to specify the style of decorations you wish to use. The different suppress flags can be used to remove certain parts of the decoration, and multiple decoration steps can be combined to create the combination of styles desired.


    SecMin The X, Y, Z co-ordinates of the min corner of the section which this machining step is inside.
    SecMax The X, Y, Z co-ordinates of the max corner of the section which this machining step is inside.
    JoinMin The X, Y, Z co-ordinates of the min corner of the section which this machining step is joined to.
    JoinMax The X, Y, Z co-ordinates of the max corner of the section which this machining step is joined to.
    CutSize X, Y, Z contain the values from this component dimcut1, dimcut2, dimcut3 respectively.
    FinishedSize X, Y, Z contain the values from this component dim1, dim2, dim3 respectively.
    PartID A name for this step, init as component name, not sent to DXF usually.
    Layer The layer name written to the DXF, init as steptype but you should set this to something more meaningful e.g. in EzyNest. In addition, this layer value can be prefixed by + - or ~. The prefix is not sent to the DXF, but is used to indicate notches, where two steps are combined. A + is for combining two steps by adding the paths together. This can extend the outer shape. A - is used for subtracting or creating a notch. And a ~ is for flap donor steps. (See Flaps In Remote Components)
    Group The group name written to the DXF. Default value is ungrouped. Different groups will be nested separately, so for example a DXF with some ungrouped machine steps and some steps in group 10 and others in group 20 will nest as three separate parts.
    ColorIndex The color used in the DXF (usually unused by Machining but very helpful for viewing). Colors are defined by Voloview DXF viewer. (See also Dxf Layer Colours):
    • 0 - Black
    • 1 - Red
    • 2 - Yellow
    • 3 - Green
    • 4 - Cyan
    • 5 - Blue
    • 6 - Magenta
    • 7 - Black(Again)
    • 8 - Grey
    • 9 - Brown
    • 10 - Khaki
    • 11 - Dark Green
    • 12 - Steel Blue
    • 13 - Dark Blue
    • 14 - Purple
    • 15 - Dark Grey
    Min XY coordinates of lower left corner of a rectangle.
    Max XY coordinates of upper right corner of the rectangle.
    Depth Depth of the of the cut/drill.
    Style Style of decorative corner created. 0: none, 1: arc, 2: scallop, 3: chamfer, 4: square insert. The second cell (Y) contains the size of the corner feature.
    SuppressTopLR XY cells suppress the top left and right corner features
    SuppressBottomLR XY cells suppress the bottom left and right corners
    SuppressEdgeTB XY cells suppress the left and right edges of the top
    SuppressEdgeLR XY cells suppress the left and right edges of the bottom
    SuppressHalfTB XY cells suppress the top and bottom halves of this step respectively. This makes it easy to combine two different arch or deco steps by selecting the top half of one and the bottom half of the other.
    NestCount Make this many nested shapes within. 0=none, negative numbers mean suppress main shape (eg 2 means border rectangle plus 2 nested rectangles, but -2 means suppress main rectangle, just make 2 nested ones) - see Repetitive Machine Steps - Note.
    NestOffset Nest inwards by .X cell in width direction, .Y in height
    RepeatCount X: Whole machine step is repeated this many times. Y: If this is >1, then do a rectangular array of repeats.

    XY: Offset vector between copies (for linear repeats). For arrays of repeats, X is the X offset and Y is the Y offset.


    Here is a little example of a BorderDeco step repeated in a 3x2 array:

    Repeat Example

    ProfileFolder Folder for QPFs, default BitmapFolder, can be relative.
    ProfileName Name of the profile. The default extension is ".qpf". An array of names is allowed, if defining multiple profile edging.
    ProfileEdging Array of edge treatments. See Edge and Pocket Profile Tutorial : Defining a Profile

    Entry is a yes/no determining whether the area inside the machinestep is to be removed. Applies to contours (closed polylines only).  

    See Edge and Pocket Profile Tutorial : Pocket 

    FeedSpeed Field not yet implemented.
    Face Face=0 normally, other faces used for side boring. 1=Left, 2=Bottom, 3=Right, 4=Top edge.
    Pitch Field not yet implemented.
    EntrySpeed Field not yet implemented.
    Offset Field not yet implemented.
    OffsetAmount Field not yet implemented.
    ToolDiameter Field not yet implemented.
    ToolNumber Field not yet implemented.
    ToolType Field not yet implemented.
    RunField Field not yet implemented.