CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Lights Tool
    In This Topic
    Common ControlsLight ToolLight ToolLight ToolLight ToolLight ToolLight Tool
    Format Light

    For quick links to more information, click on the options.

    This drawing tool is located on the Insert tab and can be customised with the right click Format... option.

    Type, Description and Code

    Refer Common Controls.


    The height field controls the distance above the ground where the light is. This is used by CabMasterPro to calculate lighting effects and shadows. By default this is the height of the ceiling.


    The brightness field determines how bright the light radiated from the light object is. Multiple lights shining on a surface can make it almost white, so try reducing this value. Brightness can also be boosted over 100% which may be required for some spotlights.

    Switched On

    The switched on tick box determines whether or not a light is deemed to be switched on or off. If this box is unticked the light object will simply not produce any light.

    Casts Shadow

    The cast shadows tick box determines whether or not CabMasterPro will calculate shadows cast by this light source. Calculating shadows can decrease the speed of rendering substantially.

    Light Color

    The light colour field determines the colour of the light which the light object radiates. Normal lights are white or slightly yellow, so this works best when set to lighter colours. To lighten a colour, select the initial colour from the Basic Colors squares, then click "Define Custom Colors" and slide the Luminosity arrow on the far right upwards.

    Spotlight Options

    In general, light sources radiate light in all directions from their location, but if you use the spotlight feature you can make the light source be focused in a specific direction. There are multiple options for spotlights, these are:
    Light Spotpitchdir