I saved a drawing as a template, but when I go to apply a template it isn't there
For CabMasterPro to detect your drawing as a template, it must be saved with a file extension of "QIT", and be stored in the Templates folder.
A template is simply a pre-saved drawing that can be used to base new drawings on.
Start a new drawing with NO library by selecting "<none>" and then include everything that you want to be part of the template then Save As a templete. To do this...
Issue: Cabinet Items are not starting at "1" when placed on plan.
To fix an existing template, you can start a blank drawing with no cabinets.
Then use the Renumber All Items command on the Insert ribbon.
Finally, resave the template (select the existing template that you wish to replace).
Exit the application and you will be presented with a prompt to confirm that you want to save changes to existing template.
When you open a new drawing and apply the template, numbering of cabinets placed will start at 1.