CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Callouts Tool
    In This Topic
    Callouts StyleCallouts Appearance LineCallouts Appearance VisibilitiesCallouts Appearance VisibilitiesCallouts Appearance Visibilities
    Format Callouts

    For quick links to more information, click on the options or another category/page.

    This drawing tool is located on the Annotate tab and can be customised with the right click Format... option

    Type, Description and Code

    Refer Common Controls.

    Callouts Style

    The Style for both Destination and Source have the same controls as the Rectangle.

    Callouts Image

    For more examples, see the Callouts Tutorial.

    Line Appearance

    The the Line page controls the style and colour of the connecting line as well as the arrow Size and Position.

    Callouts Line


    The Appearance > Visibilities page controls which parts of the callout item, i.e. Source, Dest(ination), Line and Label are visible.

    Callouts Line


    The zoom and scale factor can also be edited here.

    Callouts Line

    When the Lock aspect ratio is turned ON, it keeps the width vs height ratio the same.

    Changing one changes the other as there is an inverse relationship between zoom and scale. As the zoom factor gets bigger, the scale gets smaller.