CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Callouts Tutorial
    In This Topic

    Callouts allow you to create a zoomed and cropped portion of a view. They can also include dimensions and notations for a greater level of detail and can be used per drawing.

    There are 3 main types of Callouts :

    Elevation callout

    Dimensions etc cannot be added to an elevation directly on the plan view but you can add these for display on the plan by using the Breadcrumbs Bar to go into the Elevation View of the wall/cabinets placed on plan (see Annotating the Elevation Tutorial) or Edit Callout (discussed below).

    Plan callout

    3D callout

    See Camera View Items Tutorial as creating a 3D callout is done differently i.e. uses a camera view which allows for the placement of a specified portion of a 3D view item to be cropped and any changes on the plan are immediately reflected in the camera view (3D callout) e.g. open doors or move cabinets etc.

    Use the Callouts Property Sheet by using right click menu, for example, to Format callout.

    Source and Destination

    There are two steps to defining a callout i.e. create a source and destination.

    For this tutorial, you first need to create an Elevation. To illustrate we are going to add a callout to the Elevation view of a Floor 4 Drawer cabinet.

    Create an Elevation

    Simply place a cabinet on the Plan. Then select the Plan Tools Elevations tab to add a manual elevation (no wall is required).

    Create a manual elevation by clicking on the Add Manual Elevation Line Elevation1command button and then drag a line between two (2) points.

    Then (1) select the Elevation (as per drop list), (2) click on the Place Elevation command button and (3) click on plan to place.

    Step 1 - Create Source

    Step 2 - Create Destination

    Callouts can be selected after placement for removal, formatting and/or editing using the Breadcrumbs Bar or by turning on the Select command.


    Style and Appearance

    The style and appearance of callouts can be customised either before or after placement by selecting the 'Format Callout' option.

    To add annotations such as text and extra dimensions, select the 'Edit Callout' option.

    Click to view selected callout and Clear/Delete option

    Click to view selected callout and Clear/Delete option

    To remove/delete a callout, simply select and either use the keyboard delete key or the Clear option on the right click menu. (Click image to view)

    Format Callout

    The colours of lines, style (outline shape) and fill style/colour and visibility of lines can all be customised...

    At the beginning of this tutorial the appearance/style is a simple black/rectangle format for Source, Destination and connecting Line. The options allow you to...

    Editing Callout

    Callouts can be annotated, using the commands on the Current Item Editor. Simply Edit Callout to add any of the following...

    To exit the callout and return to page view, simply click on the page name.

    Dimensions etc cannot be added to an elevation directly on the plan view but you can add these for display on the plan by...

    • going into the elevation view of the wall/cabinets placed on plan using either the right click menu 'Edit Elevation...' option;
    • placing a callout item and then entering the callout edit view and using the right click menu 'Edit Callout...' option.

    See Also