CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Drawing Coordinates Tutorial
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    Movements/offsets can be changed from World Measurements to Page Measurements.

    Radio buttons are available on the Annotate command tab or the Property Sheet when adding Shapes and/or Pictures.

    Permanent dimension items are a fixed size relative to the page.


    The World Measurement view is actual one to one size relative to cabinets. In the following example the cabinet width is:-

    The Tape Measure tool will measure either World or Page lengths depending on the Draw Coordinates selected in the ribbon. Temporary dimensions (including the Tape Measure tool) are automatically scaled to ensure that they are legible in the current view.



    The Page Measurement view shows the measurement on the A4 plan (instead of real world dimensions) in the following example the cabinet width is:- The advantage of this is that it will be easier to set up templates.


    Drawing vs Property

    The Annotate Property Sheet for Shapes and Pictures tool have an added option for Page vs World coordinates.

    The reason is that it can be used for either purpose i.e. you can be annotating the drawing and want to draw, for example, a decorative polyarc (using Page coordinates) or you can be annotating an item drawn in World coordinates and want the polyarc to scale with the world model.

    Polyarcs inside a machine step, however, are unambiguously in World coordinates, as all the machining is already in World coordinates (mm measured on the panel etc). So inside a machinestep polyarcs are always drawn in World coordinates.

    In the following example, an ellipse has been placed on the drawing and with dimensions displayed (using Tape Measure).

    Drawing Coordinates

    On the Annotate ribbon, World Measurement is selected and therefore the dimensions on the Drawing (Plan) are displayed as 500 x 200. If you change the selection to Page Measurement then this will display as 6.1 x 6.5 (dependent on format).

    Properties Coordinates 

    Changing the radio button from World to Page displays the dimensions but has no effect on the Drawing Coordinates discussed above.  

    See Also