CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Step Types
    In This Topic

    A Step Type is the type of machine step being done as set on the Machining > Machine Step page.

    Each Step Type will be discussed in this section with links to relevant tutorials, where provided. 


    Machine Step Details List

    There are four columns - Desc, X, Y and Z. Depending on the type of row some of these fields may not be present, which is represented by the box being greyed out. See full discussion.

    The first 6 rows (highlighted in pink) are always present and cannot be modified.

    For a machinestep, the Desc column can be used as a formula variable and it will evaluate to return the contents of the X Y or Z columns. For example, a formula inside the machinestep grid that says Layer.X will look at the cell in the X column of the row with Desc “Layer” and return the value of that cell.

    A cell in the X Y or Z column can be referenced using contexts which are the Desc names, followed by .X .Y or .Z - for example, a BorderArchVeins machinestep has various Desc's such as Min, Max, Depth, Layer, RepeatOffset and so on.

    To access the cells in one of those rows using a formula, you can write things like:- Min.X or Max.Y or Layer.X and so on. That is, the formula is written as the Desc followed by .X .Y or .Z to evaluate one of those three cells.

    Example of rows

    The first 6 rows (highlighted in pink) are always present and are provided for easy reference with other formulas. They cannot be modified on the Machining > Machine Step page (follow link for more details).

    The image shows subsequent rows for each BorderArchVeins machinestep.

    For more on Desc and cells, see Machine Step Formula Reference (Note 4).


    See Also