CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Page Properties
    In This Topic

    Page Properties can be accessed using the:-

    Not all libraries have page level properties (e.g. CM-Cabinets). Therefore the command button on the Home tab (shown) can be turned off on the File Options  [F10] > Advanced page.

    Example of Use: You can set a page which holds the materials selection for each part of a job i.e. you could put the kitchen on page 1, the laundry cabinets on page 2, the bathroom on page 3 etc., as per the example below. Then create a template which can be applied as you begin a new job/drawing.

    Page Properties_2

    General Page

    This page shows you information about the actual file where you saved the drawing (or library). Details shown include file path, size, dates and attributes.
    If you have not yet saved your drawing, then this page does not contain any information.

    Summary Page

    This page shows you :- All of these fields are optional, you can choose to use them if you wish or just leave them blank.

    Statistics Page

    This page provides more file information, and also details of the actual drawing, such as the number of pages, cabinets and walls in it.


    Answers & Setup Pages

    Available with Developer AddOn only. This is the where names and values of variables can be added or changed.

    Command Buttons

    This type of Property Sheet has command buttons i.e. ...