In This Topic
Available from the File menu > Options or use Keyboard Shortcut F10.
Page Properties in Home Ribbon check box can be used to turn on/off the command button on the Home tab, as shown.
See also: Topic on Page Properties
Machining Exports
Batches of files are generally prepared directly from which includes nesting, applying tooling and preparing CNC files for the machine.
A collection of machining files will be created typically in DXF format (depending on the machining configuration) - the file extension of these file are by default .DXT (used to prepare your job for the CNC machine).
Minimum line width allows for a value to be entered to set the minimum # of pixels that any line will be drawn when printed from your ™ application. This applies to all lines being drawn on the printed page, irrespective of whether they are section outlines, dimensions etc. To make printed lines darker/thicker, increase the value until satisfied with your test print.
To make on screen outlines of cabinets display thicker, use the Outline option on the Display > Colour page of the .
Display > Colour screen outline option
3D Graphics
- Lighting Options
Reflect - Default is ON. You need to have this flag turned on to allow your ™ application to generate reflects for mirror/shiny surfaces.
Specular - To generate "specular" reflections which are reflections like the spot of light you see glinting off a shiny apple, for example.
- Full quality while moving
When you drag the mouse to zoom/pan/rotate, if the graphics card cannot keep up it can deliberately drop back to a simpler image during the rapid movement, then repaint the full image when you stop moving. "Full quality while moving" stops it doing that, and is the preferred setting provided the graphics card can keep up with movement. These days, most OpenGL capable cards can.
When objects in a 3D image are rotated or moved, the renderer can drop back to wireframe or solid mode to maintain a reasonable frame rate. However, decent video cards (typically with 16Mb or more onboard) can handle rotating a fully textured image in real-time. If you have one of these cards, checking this box will cause the render mode to stay the same while the view changes.
- Custom shape side textures
Sections can be built using custom shapes instead of simple faces. When displaying these in the 3D textured views, will just use the average solid colour for the side faces for better performance.
Enabling this option instead tries to map any textures applied to the section's side faces, displaying the texture wrapped onto the side faces of the custom shape. This will appear more realistic in cases where the side faces are fairly visible. It will only make a difference if the side faces of the section have been given textures in the middleware setup of the section.
- Custom shape shadows
Default in ON. Custom Shapes in 3D with multiple reflective surfaces, will choose the top/machined face.
- Contrast and Brightness
These work just like the controls on a monitor or TV, and can be adjusted regardless of whether Use 3D Accelerator is enabled.
Click on this button to get information concerning your currently installed 3D Hardware Accelerator. Note that you must change to 3D view at least once to see this information.
See FAQ : 3D Accelerators for more details.
See Also
Library Basics and Properties