CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    File Advanced
    In This Topic

    Available from the File menu > Options or use Keyboard Shortcut F10.

    File OptionsDeveloper OptionsFile ImagesFile LocationsSupport ApplicationsFile AdvancedFile AdvancedFile Options_CabMasterPro


    Page Properties in Home Ribbon check box can be used to turn on/off the command button on the Home tab, as shown.

    See also: Topic on Page Properties

    Machining Exports

    Batches of files are generally prepared directly from CabMasterPro which includes nesting, applying tooling and preparing CNC files for the machine.

    A collection of machining files will be created typically in DXF format (depending on the machining configuration) - the file extension of these file are by default .DXT (used to prepare your job for the CNC machine).


    Minimum line width allows for a value to be entered to set the minimum # of pixels that any line will be drawn when printed from CabMaster. Applies to all lines being drawn on the printed page, irrespective of whether they are section outlines, dimensions etc. To make printed lines darker/thicker, increase the value until satisfied with your test print.

    To make on screen outlines of cabinets display thicker, use the Outline option on the Display > Colour page  of the Drawing Properties.

    Display > Colour screen outline option

    3D Graphics

    3D Card Information

    Click on this button to get information concerning your currently installed 3D Hardware Accelerator. Note that you must change to 3D view at least once to see this information. See also FAQ : 3D Accelerators.

    See Also

    Library Basics and Properties