CabMasterPro User Guide
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    EzyNest is a full computer aided manufacturing (CAM) package that can be used standalone to create most arbitrary shapes or import your CabMaster Design Application  for nesting, applying toolpaths and produce labels and output to the flatbed.

    Associative Toolpaths are designed to save time and effort throughout the job process. By keeping an active link between the toolpath and the geometry, you are free to modify the geometry (i.e. scale, resize, rotate) and the toolpaths will automatically recalculate accordingly. You can also use templates to utilise elements from previous jobs, reducing and simplifying the design-to-production process. True shape nesting minimises material waste and maximises yield, directly affecting your business' bottom line.

    See FAQ's > Machining and EzyNest for HowTo's on a range of related topics.

    Ezynest is a powerful drawing packages in its own right and these documents are simply those needed for processing jobs from CabMasterPro.

    CNC Config

    CNC Config, accessed using the command button on the Machining View [Current Drawing] command tab, replaces the need for accessing the ATP in EzyNest as well as allowing you to set required Preferences and Driver Selection options.

    This provides a simpler method of setting up the configurations required to process parts contained in external DXF geometry files and process large numbers of parts as part of a Nested-Based Manufacturing (NBM) process - see Machining.

    CNC Config was introduced with CabMasterPro v12 and to use this facility EzyNest MUST NOT be running, as CNC-Config will adjust its' files, which cannot be done if EzyNest is open.

    ATP Process

    When DXF files are created in the design applications, different types of machining operations are separated onto different layers in the DXF files. The geometry on all the Layers in a file represents a single part, and all the machining (such as drilling, milling and cutting) that is to be performed on that part. In order to process the part, the ATP needs to be instructed about what operations, called Strategies, should be applied to each layer of geometry in each DXF file.

    When EzyNest processes a part, it uses this mapping of toolpath strategies to apply toolpaths to each piece of geometry in the part. After all the parts have been imported and have had toolpaths applied, they are nested together onto sheets and then machining output files are created based on the ordering preferences defined.

    After the desired parameters for Layer/Strategy mapping, ordering and output are defined, they can be saved in an ATP configuration file. Then when it is time to process another job the ATP file can be opened to recall all of the desired settings. As few as three mouse clicks can be required to process a job that may contain dozens of parts.

    CNC Configurations / Setting Up EzyNest

    Whether you are using the CNC Config (from within CabMasterPro) or the ATP (from within (EzyNest), the steps involved in setting up are:-

    1. Setup Tools to be used;
    2. Setup the Machine Driver i.e. selecting tools into tool changer positions;
    3. Setup Strategies i.e. what to do with tools for each operation;
    4. Setup mapping DXF Layers to strategies and setting Nesting Options.

    Preparing DXT Batch Files

    Batches of files are generally prepared directly from CabMasterPro which includes nesting, applying tooling and preparing CNC files for the machine.

    Simply export the machining data for the currently open job by using...

    A collection of machining files will be created typically in DXF format (depending on the machining configuration) - take note of the DXT files created and where they are located as you will use a DXT batch file to prepare your job for the CNC machine.

    The format of Machining Export files can be set on the File Options > Advanced page [F10] - the default is XML file and extension .dxt (which also can be changed).

    See Also