CabMaster Machining Software allows you to create a collection of machining files e.g. DXF format etc. These files contain machining information for each component in the current drawing (or list) which is configured to output machining data. And if you are using nested based manufacturing, it integrates seamlessly into EzyNest (or EnRoute), which optimises the cabinets onto sheets ready for production.
See FAQ's > Machining and EzyNest for HowTo's specifically related to processing jobs from CabMaster Software™ applications and trouble shooting - topics include EzyNest, DoorMaster etc.
With the latest version of CabMasterPro, you can setup your CNC Configuration (i.e. required ATP, Preferences and Driver Selection options) and Generate Nests directly in your application, without the need to access EzyNest directly.
Users can create their own cabinets using the powerful machining options or use the pre-prepared library and many administrative facilities that comes with the product. Instead of dealing with complex CNC programming environments, you create the machining data from a user friendly environment. Elements of the design are changed by clicking on checkboxes and drop lists, and typing in required sizes and quantities. Then the CabMaster Software™ application takes care of generating the precise blending arcs and lines to create the design, and outputs it, in seconds, ready for machining.
Panel Estimator allows you to produce efficient cutting or pressing patterns and is included with CabMasterPro or a higher software license.
Optimisation Link software is an optional extra to connect with saws.