CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Export DXF
    In This Topic

    The machining data can be output from CabMasterPro in a DXF format. In addition further information is provided specifically for use by EzyNest/EnRoute to allow the cabinets to have the correct tooling applied, be nested, output to the flatbed for routing and have labels produced - see CNC Config.

    A collection of machining files will be created typically in DXF format (depending on the machining configuration) - the file extension of these file are by default .DXT (used to prepare your job for the CNC machine). However, an override is available on the File > Options [F10] > Advanced page.

    Before outputting the data from CabMasterPro make sure that you have allocated a Job Number and save (File > Save As) with a descriptive drawing name.

    Allocate a Job Number

    In the Drawing Properties [F4] on the Job Setup > Job Number page, press the 'Allocate' button to assign a Job Number.

    To output this data, create the DXT and DXF files to be sent to EzyNest by ...

    1. Creating Machining Files from within CabMasterPro;
      • Recommended as this is the quickest and simplest way and allows you to Generate Nests and more...
    2. Using the keyboard shortcut F8;
      If you press F8 and nothing happens, then make sure the current focus is on the main application window and not, for example, on the Drawing Properties dialog.

    3. Selecting from the File menu Export  > Export Machining option.

    The data is output to the chosen location.

    Options 2 and 3 require that you open EzyNest and these files are loaded to process.

    Location of Files

    A message, as per the following example, will appear telling you...

    Create Dxt File1

    The Status Bar will provide details of the progress of the Export.

    In the example above, you can see that 8 DXFs have been sent to C:\machining\Lesson 10\16mm Carcass White\Lesson 10.dxt.

    From that information we can determine that it is in a folder in the C Drive as illustrated.

    Create Dxt File2

    See Also