CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Saving Modified Cabinets
    In This Topic
    If I modify a Cabinet, how do I save it to the library?

    The Catalog allows you to save multiple versions of cabinets, each with different settings. Therefore the catalog structure provides a helpful separation of the library design into two levels...

    1. Base Library (.qil) - is supplied and supported by CabMaster Software™ with numerous construction methods to suit most businesses. Therefore, these are protected libraries and you will not have this option unless you have a developer lock.
    2. Catalog level (.qim) can be used by the end user to override the "Based On" (.qil) library and have variations of it.
    A catalog therefore makes it possible to have one cabinet such as a "Floor Drawer" and then 6 variations of this, "Floor 1 Drawer", "Floor 2 Drawer" etc with different default widths/depths etc.

    The Library Catalog Manager, accessed on the View tabis only available to software users of CabMasterPro or higher level software product.

    Add to Catalog

    Customise an existing cabinet and save this to your catalog for future use - useful if frequently used and especially if it is a compound item. It will then be available to other drawings you create.

    Simply change the dimensions etc and/or create a compound cabinet. Then ...

    Customising Library Catalog Manager

    Some businesses have a cabinet range based on specific heights and depths and therefore should be set up in the LCM (used to create customised libraries).

    We strongly recommend that if you are going to progress down this path you:-

    If you do this, you will have both options available to you.

    See Also

    Command Reference > Ribbons