CabMasterPro User Guide
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    In This Topic

    A Properties Sidebar can be enabled for all cabinets and other items, allowing you to make minor modifications quickly to dimensions as well as position and angle on the plan, without opening the Cabinet or Item properties.

    Use the Properties Sidebar command button, shown left, on the Home ribbon tab to turn On/Off.

    The Sidebar can be resized, set as Floating or Docking or close it completely by using the X button.

    For a complete discussion on the Cabinet Property options, see Properties Sidebar  in the Library User Guide.

    Click to view Cabinet vs Page settings

    Click to view Cabinet vs Page settings

    Cabinet vs Page

    The Cabinet buttons move directionally relative to the Cabinet Front. The Page buttons move north, south, east and west relative to page.

    Be aware that the Fixed Left / Right radio button option selected affects the insertion point. The effect is seen when moving a cabinet on an angle in Cabinet mode (X,Y coordinates), discussed below .

    Adjust Position

    The Move Cabinet module lets you move the selected cabinet by a specific amount and is used in conjunction with the directional arrow Cabinet/Page buttons. These functions, whether in Cabinet or Page mode, work in the same way as using the Movement commands on the Insert tab of the CabMaster ribbon menu.

    The following example shows two cabinets placed together on the plan.

    We now select and move the 'Floor 2 Door' to the right by :-
    1. entering the 'Distance' of 500mm in the edit box;
    2. then click on the Sidebar 4 arrow to move, as shown.


    Sidebar 2

    Adjust Angle and Position

    The examples below shows...

    1. a Floor cabinet with an adjusted 'Angle on Plan' of 25deg.


      Sidebar 3a

    2. then we will move this angled cabinet a 'Distance' of 500mm relative to the Cabinet Front.


      Sidebar 3b

    To compare the action of movement, in this example, we will move the original angled cabinet, step 1 above :-

    See Also