CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Annotations Tutorial
    In This Topic

    Annotations allows you to make a note by way of explanation or comment to your drawing. CabMasterPro provides a number of ways to do this.

    This tutorial discusses the commands highlighted above. These are...

    See also: Tutorials/discussions for the following annotations can be accessed using the links:-

    Leader Line 

    A Leader Line is a line that connects a data label and its associated data point. It is helpful when you have placed a data label away from a data point.

    This is basically a Text Box with a Line that connects a comment text to a related point. Both the text and the Line can also be formatted before placement using before placement or after placement using the right click item menu. The You can enter/format text, in the same way as a

    1. Click the  Annotate > Note  command button.
    2. Place note/Leader Line on your drawing and drag to required position.

      Click to view Leader Lines properties and Line page amendments

      Click to view Leader Lines properties and Line page amendments

    3. Select and Format Leader Line, as shown, to enter in descriptive text, format or reposition.
    4. To End, click on another command e.g. Select.
    5. To Start another Leader Line, click again on the  command button and select 'Yes' to message.


      Click No if you want to keep drawing the current leader line (or shape as applicable).

      Dim Leader Line2



    Rectangle and Square

    Simply click on the Rectangle command button and then click on drawing and drag.

    Annotate Shape1

    Circle and Ellipse

    Simply click on either the Circle or the Ellipse command button.

    Click to view Ellipse resized with proportion maintained

    Click to view Ellipse resized with proportion maintained

    Poly Shapes

    Click on the PolyArc command button to create an arc or a series of arcs i.e. to create a shape (click on image).

    The same process can be used to create a Polygon which is a closed shape.
    Click to view steps and example

    Click to view steps and example

    Click on the PolyCurve command button to make the curved lines, then...

    Annotate Polycurve

    Trim or Extend a Shape

    To Trim or Extend you need to start with at least two polylines that intersect, as the trim tool helps to join precisely to other lines in your drawing. You can trim a line segment belonging to a polyline, polygon, horizontal panel that has curved edges or wall.


    In this example, we will create a pentagon shaped HPanel and curve one edge.

    HPanel example - click to view

    Click and setup an HPanel, then curve an edge (using rclick menu).

    In this example, we clicked 5 times to the vertices needed to make a pentagon shaped HPanel, then rclicked on the top edge and curved it by typing in the 200mm as shown…

    Annotate Polycurve

    Then a two point Polyline was added to the HPanel created above. 

    Next click on Trim or Extend command and watch the prompts on the status line at the bottom of the screen.

    1. The prompt first asks you to click on the reference to trim against;
      • in this case click on the curved edge (as per arrow head image #1 )
      • the curved edge is displayed as selected (shown image #2).
    2. Next it asks you to click on the line piece to trim off;
      • in this case is the line segment at the top outside the HPanel (as per arrow head image #2).
    3. The result is that this gets trimmed off (image #3).
    Trim/Extend works on HPanels that have curved edges, but not on the more general shape created by a PolyArc or PolyCurve.
    Click to view another example i.e. a triangle shape trimmed at different points 

    Click to view another example i.e. a triangle shape trimmed at different points 


    To Extend you essentially repeat the same steps as above, except we click near/towards the reference object you want to 'Extend' to.

    1. Click on reference to extend to i.e. left side of triangle;
    2. Click on line piece to extend i.e. the blue line;
    3. Result blue line extended to touch the relevant side of triangle.


    Symbols can be drawn/created using drawing tools (in the Annotations group), Shapes or by importing a dxf.

    These can then be saved for use in future drawings or used in an individual session (i.e. only be available for selection until you close the application).

    Create a Symbol

    To create a symbol, simply draw using single/multiple shapes, pictures, leader lines etc or import (discussed below).

    Then select your newly created symbol and either...

    It will be added to the ribbon palette in the Session symbols area as a single entity. (Click on More  to display as per example below).

    When placed on your drawing, symbols can be resized and repositioned as required.

    Click to view creation of Session symbol

    Click to view creation of Session symbol

    Save a Symbol

    If you want to Save for future use, click Save Symbol, as shown.

    This will be saved as a .qtd file, in the ToolData folder (click on image) and displayed in the Saved symbols area.

    Click to Expand

    Click to Expand

    Importing a file

    Symbols can also be imported using the 3D Model tool.

    In the following example (and video), we located some dxf files and placed them in a folder called "DXF Files".
    1. Click on the 3D Model tool and place on drawing;
    2. Then double click on placement (or use the Format menu option) to open the 3D Models property sheet (as shown);
    3. Click on the Browse button and select the required file;
    4. Click on Save Symbol command to create a qtd file in the ToolData folder (as discussed above).


    Watch our tutorial video to find out how you can enhance your CabMaster drawings by creating/importing, saving and using Graphic Symbols. [4:54 mins]

    See Also