CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Compound Items Tutorial
    In This Topic

    There is the ability to group items together into a compound item to create customised parts/items. These can then be added to the catalog for future use.

    Create a compound item

    Place items

    Place required items/parts that will form your compound item on the drawing. In this example...

    Items can be selected in 3D view and the right click menu options can be used.  

    You will see that the end and shelf are currently being treated as separate items in the Breadcrumbs Bar.

    Convert to Compound Item

    Add to Compound Item to Catalog

    Add to Catalog

    We can save our new compound item into the catalog ...

    Library Catalog Manager

    In the Library Catalog Manager (open from the View tab) you will see the new compound item i.e. 'End Left_Shelf'.

    Click to Expand

    Click to Expand

    You can now reuse this compound item, in the same way as you would any cabinet, and add to your drawing.  

    The new item will also be added/displayed on the Cabinet Picker, as shown above left.

    You to create different permutations of the original item, for example with different lengths, in the Library Catalog Manager. Simply duplicate and rename the compound item and then 'Format Catalog Item' to change the relevant options.

    See Also