CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Property Sheets
    In This Topic

    Property sheets are special dialogs that show the properties of the drawing/job (e.g. Page Properties shown below left) or a given object in it (such as a cabinet, shown below right). Properties are user-defined variables (or defaults) that every cabinet in the library can access.

    A property sheet is divided into Categories (or groups) under which are related Pages. The property options are accessed by clicking on the corresponding Page heading.

    Save/Cancel and Close Properties

    The Drawing and Catalog properties of a library have similar Categories/Pages and their property sheets have control buttons - see Extra Notes.


    This is an example of the Job Defaults page under the Job Setup category of the Drawing Properties [F4]. 

    The Cabinet property sheets and property for Drawing objects can only be closed by using the close  button and any changes will immediately be applied.


    Properties CabMasterPro

    Open and Edit Properties


    With CabMasterPro you can view Library Catalog from the View tab and clicking on LCM command button to open the property sheet for the current library selected on the Home tab.

    Changes made here will be permanently saved to the library.

    Current Drawing

    To edit the properties of only the current drawing (without affecting the library), follow the above steps except select Drawing Properties from the File menu. This will open the properties of the current drawing instead.

    To automatically open drawing properties when you create a new drawing, just enable the Option [F10] under heading On New Drawings. This will allow you to set properties/defaults before starting a new job.


    Each cabinet can have its own set of properties. These contain options for customising only that object instead of the whole drawing. To use these, open the property sheet for the object by right-clicking it and selecting Format Cabinet/Item", and then select the category and page.


    An that object means any item that can be placed on a page, such as Text Box, Dimension lines, Wall etc. as well as cabinets.

    See also Drawing Tools.


    All of the pages in a drawing can also have their own Page Properties - follow link for more details.

    Not all libraries have page level properties (e.g. CM-Cabinets).

    Extra Notes


    See Also