CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    In This Topic
    LibrarySizesSectionsFacesModelComponentsMachiningMachine StepAll AnswersAdvanced Donor Acceptor TutorialsFormulaSectionComponentGenerateCustom ShapeGrain AngleMirroredOutput FolderOutput FilenameCopy and Paste Machine StepsMachine Step ListFormula ToggleExport ImportList ControlsMachined FaceAccept From NormalMachine StepMachining

    For quick links to more information, click on the controls or another category/page.

    To find out the property names for these controls, see the Machining page under the Formula Reference.


    Choose the HSection of the current cabinet you wish to set machining for from this dropdown.

    To Parent Section

    Go to the parent section of the one selected in the Selection drop-down.


    Press this button to import a copy of the machining from the library into this cabinet so it can be customised.

    Section Present

    This checkbox determines whether the current section is present. It is the same as the checkbox in the Section Size and Pos page . When a section is not present, any machining defined for it will not be generated.


    The component within the section which you wish to view the machining for.

    Component Present

    This checkbox determines whether the current component is present. It is the same as the Component Present checkbox in the Components pages. When a component is not present, any machining defined for it will not be generated.

    The component quantity (set on the Component Details page) determines how many copies of this part should be machined.

    When the quantity is set to zero, the DXF will not be generated. Since the component quantity can be used for other purposes, it can actually contain decimal fractions. The Quantity is rounded to the nearest integer for machining. When greater than one, only one DXF is generated but the (integer) quantity is handed through to EzyNest via the control file (DXT).

    Output File

    Generate the machining DXF's for this component when exporting machining.

    Custom Shape

    Allows you to use this machinestep to generate a custom shape and create a 3D shape from it. See tutorial on Custom Shapes.


    If this box is checked, the machine step generated will be a mirror image of the step defined by the Machine Step page. The Preview Pane will show the mirror reversed step, but note that the DXF generated will not be mirrored - the mirroring is handled by the control file (DXT) which carries a mirrored flag. This causes the DXF to be mirrored during the ATP step of EzyNest.


    For example, here's an asymmetric DXF:


    If we set up a DXT to use this one DXF three times - once normally and twice mirrored, then in EzyNest we get this:


    Here, we can see the second and third parts are mirrored - you cannot rotate the original part to get the holes in this location.

    Grain Angle

    When a component is grained (i.e. not allowed to rotate during nesting) this specifies the actual angle of the grain so that it can be correctly aligned in the nest. For example, if the grain is vertical, we would specify this as 90deg and if the board has horizontal grain, the part would be given an initial rotation of 90 degrees for the nest and not allowed to rotate during the nesting.

    Output Folder

    The folder to write the machining DXF file to.

    Output FileName

    The filename to write the machining DXF file to.

    Copy and Paste Machine Steps

    Copy the entire Machine Step List using the copy button, then you can use the paste button to paste the entire list into another component. You can copy to any component in any section of any cabinet, perhaps elsewhere in the drawing.

    List Controls

    These buttons  control the list of machining steps. In order the buttons are:

    Machine Step List

    A listing of all the machining steps which exist for this component. In this list is shown (from left to right):

    Double-clicking on a step will go to the Machine Step page.

    Formula Toggle

    Switch between showing the values and the formulas generating them in the Machine Step List (discussed above).

    Machined Face

    We need to specify which face of a section is getting machined. This lets the system determine whether donor steps from other faces might be accepted along with other machining for this machined face. See donor/acceptor calculations. Donor Faces for more information on that. It also allows the views (3D, Plan etc) to display the actual machining. So if we are cutting a rectangle and drilling several holes, they will appear in the views if View Machining is turned on for that view.

    Machine From Normal

    Indicates whether to include donor steps hitting the given face. See also: Opposite Face Acceptance tutorial.

    Machine From Opposite

    Indicates whether to include donor steps hitting the opposite face to the given face. See also: Opposite Face Acceptance tutorial.

    Machine From Other Section

    Indicates whether to extend the bounds of the acceptor face to include the other section.

    See Also