In This Topic
    Markers and Move 3D Tutorial
    In This Topic

    Use a Marker from the Insert tab if you need to set out some geometry on screen for the placement of walls, cabinets, or Paper Space objects. They provide a snap handle to assist in the easy placement of other objects and text. See also the tutorial on Templates and Using Markers.

    The following tutorials will discuss...

    1. Placing a cabinet a fixed distance from the end of a wall;
    2. Leaving a gap in the wall to represent a doorway;
    3. Placing a door accurately using Move in 3D command.

    Clear all markers is available by right clicking on the Marker tool. This deletes all marker objects from the drawing, regardless of which page they are on. This command is typically used after a drawing is finished and you wish to remove any markers that were used as layout guides.

    The Style default is a square but this can be changed to a diamond, plus or cross by formatting the Marker Tool.


     Tutorial 1

    Fixed Distance Placement

    To place a cabinet a certain distance away from a wall can be quite difficult with the snap tool because the cupboard will naturally want to snap to the wall. In this example we will place a corner cabinet 100mm from the wall.
    • Make sure that View > Snap To Handle is on.
    • Select the Marker command tool from the Insert tab and snap the marker to the spot you would like to measure the distance from.

    • Type in 100mm in the "Set Length" edit box and then select the applicable directional arrow.
      For the example illustrated below, (1) click the right arrow and then (2) click on the down arrow.

    • You can then snap a cabinet (e.g. corner cabinet) to these markers rather than the actual wall.



     Tutorial 2

    Create a Gap for Door Placement

    When placing entry doors we need to be more accurate with our measurements. To place an entry door we do exactly the same as placing any other cabinet from the library and to accurately place we can use either the Marker command or the Move Cabinet 3D option discussed in Tutorial 3.

    In this example, we are going to place the door 1000mm from the corner where a corner cabinet is placed.

    1. Make sure that Snap To Handle is on and select the Marker command tool to turn on.
    2. Place the 1st Marker close to the back right hand corner of the corner cabinet as illustrated.


    3. To place 2nd Marker, enter 1000mm in the Set Length edit box and click on the left arrow command.


    4. Now we can select Door from the CM-Cabinets (or CM-Accessories) library and place the door
      so that the right handle section of the door snaps to the second marker.      The result is shown here in 3D View.
    To remove any markers that were used as layout guides, it is a good time to Clear All Markers using the right click Marker tool option .


     Tutorial 3

    Using Move in 3D

    In this tutorial we will place the same door as discussed above but using the Move in 3D... command.

    All Floor and Wall cabinets have been removed to allow placement of door.
    1. Select Door from the CM-Cabinets (or CM-Accessories) library and place in right hand corner of wall, as shown.


    2. With the door selected, select Move in 3D... from either the Insert tab (shown) or from the right click menu of selected door.
      • In the presented Move dialog, type distance in the applicable edit box and select direction from the corresponding drop list.
        • In this example 1000mm Left, as shown.
      • Click OK when selections are completed.


    3. The placed door will be moved to the correct position.


    This can be accomplished also in 3D View, just remember to keep the Ctrl key depressed to get the right click menu.

    If moving single cabinets you can simply use the Ctrl+right click to select and present menu. However, for multiple cabinets/items you will first need to select with the Ctrl key depressed and then left click and drag the cursor over required selection.


      See Also

      Command Reference > Dialogs