CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Window Basics
    In This Topic

    The following is an explanation of what the different parts of the main CabMasterPro window are and how they work.

    See also List View, especially if your software product only allows a spreadsheet view.

     click on any area of interest on image below to locate relevant information.
    Quick AccessTitle BarMin Max XRibbonsHelpToolbarCabinet PickerScroll BarsBreadcrumbs BarDrawing PageDrawing PageDrawing PageCabtitlePageStatus BarFull Window

    Title Bar

    The title bar at the top of the CabMasterPro window shows the current drawing title and the program name.

    Minimize, Maximize, Close

    Clicking on these Minmax buttons will minimize, maximise and close your software respectively.

    Clicking on the Close button will close the software product you are working in the same way as File > Exit. If you have made any changes to the drawing, you will be prompted to save it before the program closes. If you exit without saving your drawing, all the work that was done to it since it was last saved will be lost.


    There are three main parts to the Ribbons...
    1. Tabs sit across the top of the Ribbon. Each one represents an activity area.
    2. Groups are sets of related commands displayed together on tabs, which pull together all the commands you are likely to need for a type of task.
    3. Commands are arranged in groups in a toolbar. A command can be a button, a menu, or a box where you enter information.


    You have the ability to create or modify Toolbars. Change the layout of buttons to suit your work with your favourite or most used buttons right where you need them most. Then remove the buttons you do not use.


    Context Sensitive Help and a drop list of other help such as User Guides are available for selection - see Help Topic.

    Online Support

    Click on the green button found in the top right hand corner of your software and it will take you directly to a website that you can chat directly with a support technician during support hours.

    Breadcrumbs Bar

    The Breadcrumbs Bar displays the name of the current drawing and is used to navigate your way around cabinets, parts and other items such as Callouts, Cameras and Elevations. This makes it much quicker to move in and out of cabinet editing and back to plan view or straight to another cabinet part for editing.

    Status Bar

    The Status Bar is displayed at the bottom of the CabMasterPro application window. It includes notifications that provides instructions on how to perform an operation or details of your current activity. These can be turned on/off using the right click menu. Above these are Page tabs.

    Scroll Bars

    You can move the scroll bar thumb to scroll the view to the left/right (shown below) or up/down. The scroll bars are on the right and bottom of the work area (or view).


    Drawing Page

    The drawing page is the area where you create your designs. Designs are composed of drawings of real world objects like cabinets and walls, as well as annotations like labels and pictures.

    Create drawings by selecting and using various command tools, grouped under tabs, from the ribbon. Designs are modified by dragging objects with the mouse, or editing their properties.

    Title Bar and Cabinet Button

    Double-clicking a cabinet brings up the Cabinet Properties page allowing individual cabinets to be formatted.

    Property Sheets for Drawings, Cabinets etc all have a title bar which provides the ability to drag floating dialog boxes to be dragged across PC monitor/s.

    Dialog Titlebar

    Cabinet dialog boxes can be viewed in Docking or Floating mode. If docked then cabinet details will be made available in a Quick Access Sidebar.

    For more information on the Cabinet Library see the Library Users Guide 

    Tool Tip On Hover

    When you hover your mouse pointer over a button, selection, image etc, it provides more information about what happens with this option. Such as the 'Carcass' check box in the image below saying it turns the 'Flush With Doors' on and off.



    You can move the page you are viewing, left/right or up/down, by holding down both right and left mouse buttons. See Mouse Shortcuts. Pan