CabMasterPro User Guide
In This Topic
    Status Bar
    In This Topic

    The status bar is displayed at the bottom of the CabMasterPro application window. It includes notifications which can be turned on/off using the right click menu as shown below. Above these are Page tabs.

    Status Bar1

    There is also a status bar available in the Preview Pane when in Machine View.


    The following is a summary of available notifications, click on the links for full discussions.

    Indicator Description
    Notifications Describes actions as these are performed. For example: Notification Eg

    The position of the mouse cursor in Paper Space co-ordinates.

    Paper Space is strictly for the placement of 2D entities i.e. annotations such as text boxes, labels, rectangles, and poly curves and do not appear in 3D views.

    See File > Options where you can change Length Units to either metric or imperial.


    The position of the mouse cursor in Model Space co-ordinates.

    Model Space is for real world 3D entities, such as cabinets and walls, which can therefore be displayed in 3D views.

    Delta Difference in X and Y of mouse cursor from last mouse click position
    Dist Distance and Angle of mouse cursor from last mouse click position
    View Shortcuts

    Change the displayed view by clicking buttons (Plan, Elevation, 3D, List or Machining) in the same way as on the View tab.

    Scale Displays the current scale. To change the drawing scale, click on this button to open the relevant dialog.
    Zoom Displays the zoom percentage. To select a preset zoom level or enter a new percentage value, click on this button to open the relevant dialog.
    Zoom Slider Use the slider (indicated in red Status Bar2) or click on the +/- buttons to zoom in to make objects appear large and to reveal more detail, or zoom out to see a larger portion of the plan. The changes will be reflected on the Zoom button discussed above.
    Messages This is either green Green Flag or yellow Error Flag. If yellow, then clicking on this button will display a list of errors and can be viewed/emailed to support if requested.

    Page tabs

    The Page tabs are located above the Notifications and each page has a name. The current page is indicated by a blue line above the tab, in this example "Page 1". Pages can be renamed or deleted. (This can also be achieved using the Breadcrumbs Bar - click on image to see example).

    Click to view an example of the use of page scroll bars in Split window mode

    Click to view an example of the use of page scroll bars in Split window mode

    The page scroll bars  at the far left only work when the drawing window is minimised to the extent that all the available page tabs don't fit (click on image above to see an example). This is especially useful when in Split window. When the scroll bars are available, the applicable arrows are darker e.g.  means that you can scroll right.

    Create New Pages

    Clicking on the asterisk will allow you to create new pages. A dialog will be presented allowing you to select:-

    Common Page

    Right clicking on a page tab provides a menu selection, which allows you to "Show [Common] Page". This is useful when creating templates as objects placed on page zero appear on every page. See also Using Multiple Pages.

    Pagetabs 2

    Each page has a name, and the middleware variable PageName evaluates to that name.

    Rename Page

    To rename, select the required page and use the right click menu to select "Rename page". Then simply type in new name.

    Pagetabs 4

    Delete Page

    To delete, select the required page and use the right click menu to select "Delete page". A warning message will be presented to allow you to confirm if you want to continue with this command or not.

    Pagetabs 4