CabMasterPro User Guide
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    Machining Editor
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    Machining Tab

    To locate information about any commands or tabs, Clickonclick on the area of interest on ribbon image above.

    This command ribbon is provided when you select a cabinet/item part for machining using the Breadcrumbs Bar for Part Editing.

      Watch the Video for a brief overview of how you can design custom parts.


    It allows you to select one or more (multiple) cabinets/items at the same time and then copy/paste to enable faster reproduction of previously drawn cabinets/items.

    See topic on the Select command for more details.


    This Group of commands allows you to Cut, Copy, Duplicate and Paste.

    Return to Page View  Return To Page View

    This command exits the parts Property Inspector viewed in the main window and returns to the original page view.

    Unlock  Unlock

    Unlocking a part means getting rid of the formulas that are behind it and allowing you to override the details.

    To ensure you do not accidentally modify the machining of a part, all parts are locked until specifically requested to Unlock before editing can take place.

    Revert  Revert

    The Revert command reimports the part from its original source library, bringing back all the original formulas and recalculates all values based on the part size and other properties.

    The command button only becomes available when the part is unlocked.

    Rectangle  Rectangle

    This command lets you insert rectangles onto a part. Using the right click menu you can move, chamfer, fillet or remove corners of the rectangle if desired.

    Circle or Ellipse  Circle Or Ellipse

    This command lets you insert a circle or ellipse onto a drawing in the same way as a rectangle.

    Polygon  Polygon

    Use the Polygon tool where you require a closed, straight-sided figure that you cannot draw using the Rectangle tool as it lets you insert a freehand closed polygon into a drawing. Each click on the screen adds a vertex to the polygon. For example,click at three places to get a triangle.

    To do this:

    1. Select the Polygon Tool and click the mouse at the start position.
      • This selects the first corner of the Polygon.
    2. Click to place following points of the Polygon.
      • Do not be too concerned if it is not positioned quite right to start with - corners can be moved using the right click menu.
    3. When finished, just click on another tool e.g. the Select tool.

    LinePolyline or PolyLine

    These command lets you insert a freehand line into a drawing in the same manner as the Polygon tool, except that they do not have to form a closed shape.

    The Line is just a single line whereas the PolyLine is a series of joined straight lines - each click on the screen adds a vertex to the line.

    Bore  Bore

    The Bore command lets you insert a single drill hole.

    Multibore  Multibore

    The Multibore Inline command lets you insert multiple (a gang) of drill holes.


    Marker is useful if you need to set out some geometry on screen for the placement as a snap handle is provided to assist in the easy placement of objects and text.


    This is one of the multiple ways in which you can move cutouts, drill holes etc on a selected machine part. See topic on Movement.


    Shows the properties of the selected item allowing you to view/edit, in the same way as using the right click Format...  option.

    See topic on Cabinet Properties.

    See Also